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NSG 3029 Week 2 Discussion

NSG 3029 Week 2 Discussion

Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the methodology, design, and rationale of the studies. You also need to provide a rationale for your assertions.

Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community

Methodology: Quantitative Research

Design: Correlational

Rationale: Researchers are attempting to determine the number of people in an Inuit Community affected with seasonal-pattern depression. There is a relationship between two variables: season and depression. The correlation design involves studying the relationship between variables.

Democracy in America

Methodology: Qualitative Design: Historical

Rationale: Historical studies concern the identification, location, evaluation, and synthesis of data from the past, in this case, the Democracy in America. Historical research seeks to discover past events and relate these pasts to the present and future.

The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

Methodology: Quantitative Research Design: Correlational

Rationale: According to (2018), Correlation methods measure the direction of strength of a relationship. In this case, it is between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses.

Two drugs for Alzheimer’s show promise

Methodology: Quantitative Research Design:  Quasi-experimental

Rationale: If the drugs show promise, they can be used for patients with Alzheimer’s. In quasi-experimental research, the research actively influences something to observe the consequences.

Evaluating technology with student success

Methodology: Qualitative Research

Design: Phenomenological studies

Rationale: Technology’s effect on students’ success is evaluated in this case. The phenomenological studies examine human experiences through the descriptions provided by the people involved.

Factors that influence weight control among women

Methodology: Quantitative

Design: Descriptive

Rationale: In this case, the research observes and analyzes the factors influencing women’s weight control. Descriptive research design is a scientific method that involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way.

The meaning of living with brain injury and stroke ten years after the injury

Methodology: Qualitative Research

Design: Phenomenological

Rationale: This study demonstrates and examines human experiences. In the Phenomenological studies, these experiences are called living experiences. The goal is to describe the meaning that experiences hold for each subject.

Exploring the beliefs of healing among Aborigines

Methodology: Qualitative

Design: Ethnographic Studies

Rationale: Ethnographic studies involve collecting and analyzing data about cultural groups, in this case ( Aborigines). According to Leininger(1985), it is “the systematic process of observation, detailing, describing, documenting and analyzing the lifeways or particular patterns of a culture. The researcher frequently lives with the people and becomes a part of their culture.

NSG 3029 Week 2 Discussion

I selected the article Cased-based learning and simulation: Useful tools to enhance nurses? Education?. This research study is a quantitative research study using a nonrandomized control trial. “Quantitative research involves identifying the variables that represent characteristics of interest and then measuring them in a reliable, valid way (Houser, 2018).” This design of the study is a quasi-experimental study.

According to Houser (2018), quasi-experimental studies are cause-and-effect studies using convenience or existing groups to test interventions. I identified the following research problem in the study: While many studies have shown the use of HPS, human patient simulators, prepared students for clinical practice, no studies have been identified that assessed transfer of HPS-acquired knowledge to implementing and who experiences different types of learning methods, and compared students with no clinical practice with practicing professionals(Raurell-Torredá, & Olivet-Pujol, & Romero-Collado, & Malagon-Aguilera, & Patiño-Masó, J. & Baltasar-Bagué, A., 2015). “Problem statements are statements of the disparity between what is known and what needs to be known and addressed by the research (Houser, 2018).” A literature review was done, and several new methodologies for preparing students were identified. In Europe, the use of HPS, problem-based learning, role-playing, and case-based learning have been identified as important methods of teaching and assessment (Raurell-Torredá, & et al., 2015). A review of literature identifies the gap between what is known about the problem and what is not known about the problem (Houser, 2018). The purpose of the study is to compare skills acquired by undergraduate nursing students enrolled in a medical-surgical course and to compare skills demonstrated by students with no previous clinical practice (undergraduates) and nurses with clinical experience enrolled in continuing professional education (CPE) (Raurell-Torredá, & et al., 2015). Purpose statements narrow

the focus of the research problem and declare intent (Houser, 2018). The objectives of the study were to compare the critical thinking and communication skills of traditionally taught undergraduate students with the critical thinking and communication skills of undergraduate students taught case-based learning and simulation and to compare the critical thinking and communication skills of undergraduate students with professional nurses who had clinical experience (Raurell-Torredá, & et al., 2015). In this study, the authors stated the purposes and objectives separately, even though they are very similar. Houser (2018) speaks of them interchangeably. The study hypothesized that case-based learning and simulation students will have better critical thinking and communication skills than traditionally taught students (Raurell-Torredá, & et al., 2015). This hypothesis is an example of a directional hypothesis.

Directional hypotheses are interested in only one change direction (Houser, 2018). This study concluded that case-based learning prepares undergraduate nursing students for clinical practice by improving their patient assessment skills (Raurell-Torredá, & et al., 2015). This study is credible because the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is peer-reviewed and has an external editorial board. Journals that have been peer-reviewed and have an external editorial board are credible sources (Houser, 2018). Also, publishing research is harder and more scrutinized than research presented at conferences (Black, 2017). Black (2017) further states the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is a prominent nursing research journal. In addition to being peer-reviewed, the assessment tool for the study, OSCE, was evaluated by a professor unfamiliar with the students and blinded by which students were in each group. Therefore, the professor was unbiased. The participating students signed informed, voluntary consents. The study’s authors are credentialled appropriately with degrees ranging from Ph.Ds to MSNs. Furthermore, the study is valid for nursing students, faculty, and the nursing profession.


South University Online. (2018). Course ID: NSG3029 Foundations of Nursing Research FL02: Week 2: Qualitative Research Design, pp. 174-176. Retrieved from

South University Online. (2018). Course ID: NSG3029 Foundations of Nursing Research FL02: Week x2: Research Design. Specific lecture page in sentence casing. Retrieved from

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing Research: Reading, Using and Creating Evidence. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Black, B. (2017). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges, 8th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from vbk://9780323431125

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence, 4th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from vbk://9781284138887

Raurell-Torredá, M., Olivet-Pujol, J., Romero-Collado, Á., Malagon-Aguilera, M., Patiño-Masó, J., & Baltasar-Bagué, A. (2015). Case-based learning and simulation: Useful tools to enhance

Nurses’ education? Nonrandomized controlled trial. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(1), 34-42. doi:


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NSG 3029 Week 2 Discussion

Discussion Question 1

Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the methodology, design, and rationale of the studies. You also need to provide a rationale for your assertions.

Exploring the rate of seasonal-pattern depression in an Inuit community

Democracy in America

The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

Two drugs for Alzheimer’s show promise

Evaluating technology with student success

Factors that influence weight control among women

The meaning of living with brain injury and stroke ten years after the injury

Exploring the beliefs of healing among Aborigines

Discussion Question 2

Use the South University Online Library to research workforce issues and patient safety. Select one of the suggested references listed below.

Based on your research, select an article and complete the following tasks:

  1. Identify and describe the research problems, purpose, objectives, and hypothesis.
  2. Evaluate the credibility and validity of the study.