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NR 507 Week 8 – Reflection Discussion

NR 507 Week 8 – Reflection Discussion

These past 8 weeks have flown by and left us each with a wealth of knowledge to incorporate into our future practice. I was initially very concerned about having to take an advanced pathophysiology class, but I feel that I have gained the essential knowledge that was needed to be successful. The information provided throughout this course has not only taught us how to better diagnose and manage our patients but has also assisted in helping us achieve desired course outcomes. Having the ability to analyze pathophysiological mechanisms associated with selected disease states across the lifespan (CO1) examines the way in which homeostatic, adaptive, and compensatory physiological mechanisms can be supported and/or altered through specific therapeutic interventions across the life (CO2), distinguish the risk factors associated with selected disease states across the lifespan (CO3), integrate advanced pathophysiological concepts into the diagnosis and treatment of health problems in selected populations (CO4), and being able to relate research findings to the management of patients with complex pathophysiological dysfunction (CO5) not only satisfies our course requirements but ensures we have the skills needed to be successful. When applying these course outcomes to Program Outcome #1, MSN Essential I, and Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies #1, it becomes apparent how the information learned will ensure we are competent in our future roles as nurse practitioners (NP).

Program Outcome #1

Program outcome #1 is to provide high-quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. The idea of holistic health and patient-centered care is important to our practice and the patients we will care for. Patient-centered care focuses on the whole person and consists of respecting the patient’s needs and preferences while delivering care that is responsive to their medical wishes (Sidani et al., 2018). Holistic care is very similar in definition and is the complete or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of the person, his or her response to illness, and the effect of the illness on their ability to meet self-care needs (Rubin et al., 2016). When reflecting on the meaning of patient-centered and holistic care, I realized I was able to achieve program outcome #1 by reading the weekly readings and lessons, completing corresponding chapters in the workbook, and through discussion topics that made me critically think about the described patient and circumstances surrounding their symptoms and recommended treatment. These lessons and discussions taught me about how the body works, illnesses associated with each body system, and treatment options and management for my patients with complex pathophysiological dysfunction. By learning about the body in great detail, I am more equipped to safely provide holistic, patient-centered care to each individual I provide care to.

MSN Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities

MSN Essential I recognizes that the master’s prepared nurse integrates scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings. By achieving course outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, I now feel that I am more prepared to care for patients across a diverse setting. Through the research obtained for the discussions in weeks 3 and 6, I was able to further develop my research skills and gain a better understanding of the pathophysiology and etiology of different diseases (particularly heart failure and urticaria) that arise throughout patient populations and individual lifespans. Reading peer discussions and responses also introduced me to a wealth of knowledge about various diseases and provided me with additional research articles on the topics. Another form of exposure I had to the MSN Essential I was through the presentations prepared in weeks 2, 5, and 7. Research for these PowerPoints assisted in my growth by ensuring that I had a comprehensive understanding of pernicious and iron-deficiency anemia and how the environment, genetics, and other risk factors play a role in the development of these diseases. The research also allowed me to understand the pathophysiological processes that take place during disease progression and how treatment can aid in minimizing these symptoms and complications. Watching my fellow classmates’ presentations also allowed me to learn about their topics through the scientific findings they presented.

NR 507 Week 8 – Reflection Discussion

Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies # 1 Scientific Foundation Competencies

Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 1 critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice, integrates knowledge from the humanities and sciences within the context of nursing science, translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and outcomes, and develops new practice approaches based on the integration of research, theory, and practice knowledge. This pathophysiology course has prepared me to achieve this competency through knowledge obtained from the assignments within this course. With the use of scholarly, evidence-based articles, I have been able to use prior knowledge and build upon it with information that has been scientifically proven to promote positive patient outcomes. I achieved this competency in week 3 and 6 discussions, which strengthened my ability to find credible, science-based articles. I also was able to demonstrate my ability to achieve the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 1 in my presentation on pernicious and iron-deficiency anemia in week 7. The skill of being able to critically analyze data will be especially important as a future NP because the consistent implementation of evidence-based practice leads to high-quality care, improved patient outcomes, and reduced costs (O’Shea & Fischer-Cartlidge, 2020). One cannot determine the best evidence-based practices if they are unable to research, interpret, and incorporate reliable data into practice. As a practitioner, it is essential to be up to date on the latest interventions, guidelines, and recommendations that patients will need throughout their lifespans. Ensuring that one is proficient in achieving the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 1 will not only ensure success but will assist in improving the health outcomes of the diverse patient population NPs care for.


OʼShea, D., & Fischer-Cartlidge, E. (2020). Building evidence-based practice competency through interactive workshops. Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), 34(5), 217–221.

Rubin, I. L., Merrick, J., Greydanus, D. E., & Patel, D. R. (2016). Health care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan. Springer.

Sidani, S., Reeves, S., Hurlock-Chorostecki, C., van Soeren, M., Fox, M., & Collins, L. (2018). Exploring differences in patient-centered practices among healthcare professionals in acute care settings. Health Communication, 33(6), 716–723.


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NR 507 Week 8 – Reflection Discussion

Reflect over the past 8 weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course has prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #1, MSN Essential I, and Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies # 1 Scientific Foundation Competencies

Program Outcome #1: Provide high-quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. (holistic health & patient-centered care)

MSN Essential I: Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities:

Recognizes that the master’s prepared nurse integrates scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.

Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies # 1 Scientific Foundation Competencies

Critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing

Integrates knowledge from the humanities and sciences within the context of nursing

Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and outcomes.

Develops new practice approaches based on the integration of research, theory, and practice knowledge.