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NR 501 Week 4 Assignment-Importance of Theory Worksheet

NR 501 Week 4 Assignment-Importance of Theory Worksheet

Nursing Theorist and Nursing Theory

 According to Jacobson (2017), nursing theories are essential in nursing practice because they are a source of inspiration for nurses. At one point, the nursing theory was considered necessary in nursing practice. However, researchers have argued that nursing theory is unimportant in modern healthcare practice. It is important to note that nursing theory is centered on education, research, and evidence-based practice. These components interact with anchor nursing as an autonomous profession. Jean Watson is one of the well-known theorists whose contribution to nursing has played a vital role in improving care delivery. Watson developed the theory of human caring. She noted that humans cannot be treated as objects or be separated from self (Watson, 2012). Watson’s theory encompasses nursing, emphasizing the interpersonal process between nurses and patients. This paper will discuss the importance of Watson’s nursing theory; it will summarize this theory and discuss how the metaparadigm concepts are addressed by the idea and the application of the approach by nurse practitioners. Also, the paper will reflect what was learned from completing this assignment.

Reasons for Choosing the Theory

 Nurses must understand a nursing theory to be able to apply the concepts of the theory to practice. Jacobson (2017) states that nursing theory guides knowledge development by enhancing research and nursing practice. Nursing theory helps nurses make decisions based on previous research and shows their future course. Watson’s theory of human caring was chosen because it is one of the best theories for training nurses. The theory is built on forgiveness, trust, embracing, and inspiration. This theory is an excellent choice because nurses put their patients in the best positions to help them self-heal. Nurses are considered to be at the heart of the healing of the patients. Moreover, the theory was chosen because it explains that nurses should respect the minds and beliefs of the patients (Johnson et al., 2019).

Summary of Nursing Theory

 Initially, the theory of human caring was developed by Jean Watson in 1975, but it was introduced in nursing practice in 1979. Over the years, the theory has evolved while maintaining the original idea of Watson. Watson argued that her theory of nursing was the only theory that incorporated the spiritual dimension of nursing. The human theory of caring emphasizes the transpersonal caring relationship built between nurses and patients (Watson, 2012). Although Watson’s caring was formed of ten processes to improve care, there are three core elements of Watson’s theories. These include creative factors, transpersonal caring relationships, and caring moments or occasions. This theory has been valuable to many healthcare institutions and nurses because it helps to promote a holistic approach to patient care.

NR 501 Week 4 Assignment-Importance of Theory Worksheet

Nursing metaparadigm

 The theory of caring by Watson quickly addresses the meta paradigms of nursing. Ten processes form Watson’s theory of human caring. These processes are vital in the care of the patients. One of the ten processes argues that it is essential to be sensitive to the patient’s practices and beliefs. This is a process that relates to the person meta paradigm concept. When caring for the patients, nurses must offer care as a whole. Caring involves caring for the patient’s family, values, and beliefs (Lee & Fawcett, 2013). Another process of Watson’s theory states that nurses must create a supportive environment for the patients and an environment that protects human dignity. This process relates to the climate meta-paradigm concept. All methods in Watson’s theory of human caring focus on improving the patient’s overall health. These processes are related to the health meta-paradigm concept. Human caring aims to promote patients’ health by preventing disease and reducing the impact of illness on the patients (Lee & Fawcett, 2013). When all processes are combined, they all relate to the nursing profession, the fourth meta-paradigm concept. Nurses are required to be attentive in assisting patients with their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

The Usefulness of Theory to Nursing

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 The theory of human caring by Watson has the potential to impact master’s students in their areas of specialty. Watson’s theory helps nursing students to build effective relationships with their patients. As mentioned earlier, the idea of caring is applied using curative factors. The concept of caring requires nurses to show love and kindness to their patients. Nurses must cultivate an environment that enables the emotional needs of the patients. According to King and Kornusky (2016), the theory of caring requires nurses to develop positive relationships with the patients to enhance the quality of care. Watson’s approach is also essential in nursing practice because it encourages nurses to show a willingness to support their patients’ emotional and spiritual needs. Nurses must respect the beliefs of the patients. Effective relationships based on trust must be developed for nurses to provide quality patient care (King & Kornusky, 2016). In practice, nurse practitioners must respect the emotions of the patients. They should also cater to the physical and spiritual needs of the patients. All this is achieved after forming effective relationships between patients and nurses.

Application of Nursing Theory to Specialty

 Watson’s theory of human caring can be used to define and guide nurse practitioners in their professional roles. Nurse practitioners can use Watson’s theory of caring to build effective relationships with patients and patients, and these relationships are built on respect. The idea of caring emphasizes that nurses must develop effective relationships with patients to deliver quality care. According to Johnson et al. (2019), holistic care involves nurse practitioners observing and meeting the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Nurse practitioners must be emotionally present for their patients, attend to the physical requirements, and facilitate healing by helping the patients find meaning in health experiences. Health promotion is a comprehensive role of nurse practitioners. Hence, honest and quality patient care will be achieved by utilizing the caring theory in forming positive relationships with the patients.

NR 501 Week 4 Assignment-Importance of Theory Worksheet


 By completing this assignment, I have learned various concepts. I understand that Watson’s theory of human caring is one of the theories of nursing that are important in improving the quality of care for patients. I have learned that adequate patient care is achieved when their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. As a family nurse practitioner, I understand that it is essential to utilize Watson’s theory of caring because it has the potential to meet all the health needs of the patients. I must form positive relationships with the patients and their families. I must create an environment whereby patients feel loved, and I should encourage my patients to be believers. While believing in miracles is one thing, witnessing miracles time and again is another different thing. Hence, I should encourage my patients to consider it.


 Nursing theories are essential in nursing practice because they are a source of inspiration for nurses. Jean Watson is one of the well-known theorists whose contribution to nursing has played a vital role in improving care delivery. Watson developed the theory of human caring. Nursing theory helps nurses make decisions based on previous research and guides their future practice. Human caring Watson can potentially impact master’s students in their specialty areas. Watson’s theory helps nursing students to build effective relationships with their patients. Watson’s theory of human caring can be used to define and guide nurse practitioners in their professional roles. Honest and quality patient care will be achieved by utilizing the idea of caring in forming positive relationships with the patients.


Jacobson, S. (2017). Building Bridges from Theory to Practice: Nursing Theory for Clinical Nurses. Med-Surg Matters, 26(3), 1-15.

Johnson, A., Martin, M., & Junious., D. L. (2019). Bridging the gap between professional development and mentoring in nursing. Journal of Student Research.

King, J. B., & Kornusky, J. M. (2016). Watson’s Theory of Caring: Integration into Practice. CINAHL Nursing Guide.

Lee, R. C., & Fawcett, J. (2013). The influence of the metaparadigm of nursing on professional identity development among RN-BSN students. Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(1), 96-98.

Watson, J. (2012). The theory of human caring: Retrospective and prospective. Caring in Nursing Classics.


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NR 501 Week 4 Assignment-Importance of Theory Worksheet


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to identify a nursing theorist and their nursing
theory, summarize the selected nursing theory, identify the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm for the
set approach, analyze the importance of the chosen method to the nursing profession, and present an
example of how the … nursing theory can be applied in the area of the student’s MSN specialty.
NR501 Week 4 Importance of Nursing Theory Worksheet Guidelines and Scoring Rubric (Links to an
external site.)
This assignment focuses on the importance of nursing theory within the profession. Selecting one nursing
theorist and the nursing theory they developed(non-nursing theories are not allowed), the student will
present a summary of the … nursing theory, identify the concepts of the nursing paradigm as
addressed in the … nursing theory, as well as discuss the importance of the … nursing theory to the
nursing profession. The student will include 1-2 scholarly peer-reviewed sources to support the nursing
theory chosen. The student will also provide an example of how the … nursing theory can … to ONE of
the following MSN specialty track areas:
 Education
 Leadership/Executive
 Nursing Informatics
 Healthcare Policy
 Nurse Practitioner
 Population Health
Questions to answer: (Use the Importance of Theory Worksheet Template (Links to an external site.) to
answer the following questions. You do not need a title page). The nursing theorist I chose is:
 Why did I choose my selected nursing theory?
 Summary of the nursing theorist and the nursing theory I chose, including critical concepts (include
scholarly support in APA format)
 How does the selected nursing theory address or identify the images of the nursing metaparadigm?
 How is this nursing valuable theory to the nursing profession?
 … would I apply this nursing theory to my chosen MSN specialty (educator, leadership/executive,
nursing informatics, healthcare policy, nurse practitioner, population health, etc.)
 Self-Reflection: What did I learn from completing this assignment