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NR 500 Week 6 Assignment-Complete Second Life Scavenger Hunt

NR 500 Week 6 Assignment-Complete Second Life Scavenger Hunt

STATION 1 — Points Possible = 10

You are a nursing educator at the Hospital Administration Building, where there have been repeated incidents of lateral violence. You have been asked to provide scholarly evidence to support a new workplace civility policy. Go to the information database in the Administration building to search on one of the laptops for the following article, “The Bully Within & Without: Strategies to Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing.” Read the article & list two strategies that can be implemented to address horizontal violence. To support the identified strategies, you must provide a proper APA reference. Be sure to include the DOI number.

Strategies: Empowering the nursing staff & growing the morale of the unit to provide a more equal & safe work environment.

Reference:Egues, A. L., & Leinung, E. Z. (2013). The bully within & Without: strategies to address horizontal violence in nursing. Nursing Forum,48(3), 185- 190.doi:10.1111/nuf.12028

STATION 2 – Points Possible = 10

Attend the meeting in the Conference Room. Locate the Nursing Administrator. Click on her & write down the quote the Administrator tells you about nursing leadership.

“A good nurse leader can inspire others to work together to pursue a common goal.”

STATION 3 – Points Possible = 15

Find the open patient room in the hospital & list out at least 3 of the patient safety violations.

  1. Meds on the nightstand
  2. The blood bag isn’t connected to the patient Patient is on the floor
  3. The bed is too high

STATION 4 – Points Possible = 15

Locate the Classroom. Find the article written on the blackboard & click on it. Write down the statistics for the ethnicity characteristics of the study’s participants from Table 1, including the n number. Then add an in-text citation to the article in proper APA format.

Statistics: Ethnicity: (n=150) African American- 9 (6.0)

Asian- 4 (2.7)

White- 135 (90.0)

Other- 2 (1.3)

In-Text Citation: (Tudor, K., Berger, J., Polivka, B. J., Chlebowy, R., Thomas, B., 2014)

STATION 5 – Points Possible = 10

Go to City Hall. Find the US Senator’s Office. Click on the Senator to get the link to the list of current United States Senators. Locate your state & write down the names of the two senators that represent your state.

Inhofe & Lankford

STATION 6 – Points Possible = 5

 Go to Urgent Care Clinic building & find the Electronic Health Record for the patient being seen.

Write down the patient’s name.


STATION 7 – Points Possible = 10

Go to the Social Services Building & into the reception area. Find the directory listing for the offices in the building. Locate the Hmong language Interpreter & write down their name.

Cheng, Cha

STATION 8 – Points Possible = 15

 Acting as the town’s Visiting Public Nurse, go to the poor area in the city, locate

two homeless men & then discuss two recommendations you would give them to improve their overall health. You must support each bid with scholarly peer-reviewed support in proper APA format. Do not state you would provide them with a phone number or address of resources. Put some thought into your response. Remember, these two homeless men do not have money, phones, or health insurance.

“Homelessness is associated with ill health, probably as both a causative & a causal factor.” (Medcalf, P., & Russell, G.K., 2014). It can be characterized by tri-morbidity: a combination of mental ill health, physical ill health, & drug or alcohol misuse. In Oklahoma, we have the Department of Health & the Department of human services. Both of these organizations assist people with low/ no income needs ds. The Department of Health has free walk-in clinics that they can attend. Different days of the week provided other clinics; one for pregnancy, one for vaccine, & health clinic. The Department of human services, or DHS, assists with housing needs, food stamps, job training, & health insurance needs; I would advise these men to go to the local agencies to get the assistance they need. ”

Lack of health insurance & access to essential health services leads homeless populations to frequent emergency rooms & hospitals more often than the general public.” (Hodge Jr., J.G., DiPietro, B., & Horton-Newell, A.E., 2017)

Hodge Jr., J. G., DiPietro, B., & HortonNewell, A. E. (2017). Homelessness & the Public’s Health: Legal Responses.

Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics,452832. doi:10.1177/1073110517703314

Medcalf, P., & Russell, G. K. (2014). Homeless healthcare: raising the standards.Clinical Medicine (London, England),14(4), 349353. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.144349

STATION 9 – Points Possible = 10

Visit the Forensics Lab – Find the microscope, get close to it so it is easily visible, then photograph it. Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown bar, choose 320 x 240 & then click SAVE. You will lose points if the picture is not in the 320 X 240 size. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to locate it quickly. Copy & paste your photo in the box on the next page. You will lose points if the picture is too large or small or if you are too far from the microscope.


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NR 500 Week 6 Assignment-Complete Second Life Scavenger Hunt

As you complete the VLE (Second Life) Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this
Save it as an MS Word document in the following format:
Please place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder on your course page by the end of Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.
Remember, if you need assistance when you are in Second Life, please get in touch with the Support Specialist in-world or