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NR 447 Week 4 Discussion – Transformational Nursing Leaders

NR 447 Week 4 Discussion – Transformational Nursing Leaders

The chief nursing officer for my organization is someone that has been in nursing for over 45 years. She has worked for the organization for more than 30 years. She demonstrates expertise in most of the competencies listed above, but the expertise that I think most people admire is her leadership skills. She must be doing something right to have held that position for over 15 years. According to Hood, leadership does not automatically occur with position appointment but rather must be learned and developed (Hood, 2014). The nurse Executive started her career with the organization as a floor nurse and gradually developed her leadership skills by being a charge nurse, clinical leader, nurse manager and eventually the Nurse executive. She is a great listener. She is willing to have one on one meetings with staff that have issues with their managers. She knows most of her nursing staff by name and has always encouraged an open-door policy. I will say I see her at least once a week working through the units. She was very fair across the board, in my view. She made sure we always had the resources to do our jobs. There is not a single staff that can say they don’t know what she looks like. Always available and friendly with the staff

Transformational leaders focus on the need for leaders who are willing to embrace change, reward staff, and guide staff members in understanding their roles within the organization (Finkelman pg. 13). Transactional leadership is based on reinforcement and exchanges. Transactional leadership is more practical in nature because of its emphasis on meeting specific targets or objectives ( I will say the nurse executive is more of a transformational leader than a transactional leader. She wants to see changes that will positively improve patient care and satisfaction.

NR 447 Week 4 Discussion – Transformational Nursing Leaders

She is always open to suggestions and is one of the driving forces behind the shared governance committee. She welcomes new ideas that would improve patient care and also employee working conditions. She introduces bedside shift reporting across the entire hospital. Due to her effective leadership skills, she recorded success in reducing turnover and retaining quality employees. She also introduced the white boards in the patient room, which is a great form of communication between staff, patient and pt. Family.


Hood, L.J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care, 3rd Edition. Retrieved March 2017


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NR 447 Week 4 Discussion – Transformational Nursing Leaders

Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies. Your comments should be about the “highest nursing leader” in your organization. Typically this is the leader who represents nurses and nursing to the governing board.
In your own words, explain the differences between a transactional nursing leader and a transformational nursing leader. Which one is more like your Nurse Executive?
Describe how the Nurse Executive “leads the charge” for transformational leadership in an organization where you work or have done prelicensure clinical experiences.