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NR 447 Week 3 Discussion – Conflict and Collaboration

NR 447 Week 3 Discussion – Conflict and Collaboration

As a nurse manager, if a nurse brought it to my attention that the policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence-based practice, I would first thank the employee and the nurse leader for bringing this problem to my attention. I would recognize the nurse as being ethical. “Healthcare providers, particularly nurses, encounter circumstances in which they are expected to simultaneously act in the best interest of patients, families, other colleagues, and/or the healthcare organization” (Mannella & Karakashian, 2020). This nurse is doing just that; she is acting in the best interest of her patient to have the best patient outcome possible. As a nurse manager, I get busy doing stuff which is not an excuse, but I am human, and I make mistakes, also. With the recent COVID-19 focus, I feel there has not been as much focus on other situations of healthcare as it should be. I would take full responsibility for the policy not being up to date with the current EBP, and I would assure her that this policy will be looked into and updated as soon as possible.

It is very important to make sure policies and procedures are up to date according to the most recent evidence-based practice. Policies and procedures are the guidelines in the hospital to make sure the system is being operated correctly in accordance with the best practice for the patient. According to Finkelman (2020), “A procedure is a list of sequential steps or a roadmap to accomplish that task.” Without having current policies and procedures in effect, there is nothing to back the nurse, the physician, or the facility when the patient’s case ends up in court due to patient negligence or a bad outcome for the patient. If the policy is outdated, the facility is at higher risk of going through a lawsuit due to a bad patient outcome.

As a nurse manager, I would continuously check to make sure the policies are up to date. Also, I would always research the most current evidence-based practice to obtain the best patient outcome and then compare them to the current policy at the hospital. If I feel a policy needs to be revised, I would have a committee developed using some of the nurses on the floor with experience, my nurse leader, myself, and my boss to come up with the best policy and procedure for our hospital and present it to the upper management. Also, I would always have scheduled meetings every month to make sure the staff is educated and up to date on the policies and procedures at all times. It is my responsibility as a manager to make sure that the nurses know the policies and procedures and fully understand what is expected of them for the best interest of our patients.

NR 447 Week 3 Discussion – Conflict and Collaboration

As a manager, I would also inform the staff at every meeting that I have an open door and open-minded policy. I would want the staff to come openly discuss any problems on the floor and give their advice on ways the floor could improve certain policies or procedures because I feel like if you involve the staff and they have a say, then they will buy into the idea easier because they are being heard. If the staff likes the idea, it is easier to roll out the new policy, and they will abide by it.


Finkelman, A. (2020). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (4th ed.). Pearson.

Mannella, H., Karakashian, AL. (2020) Decision Making: Ethical Aspects. Retrieved from: vid=3&sid=71b76e74-2b75-4d6b-ac43-7c4da84f865b%40pdc-v-sessmgr01


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NR 447 Week 3 Discussion – Conflict and Collaboration

The purpose of this Assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various healthcare settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction.