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NR 443 Week 1 Discussion – Determinants of Health

NR 443 Week 1 Discussion – Determinants of Health

Public health nursing is population-focused, community-oriented nursing practice. According to this week’s lesson,” population-based nursing uses a systematic, comprehensive assessment of the community or population health status” (CCN, 2016). Assessment is defined as collecting, analyzing, & disseminating of info on both health & health-related aspects of the community or special groups (Nies& McEwen, 2015, p. 6). In nursing, we learned that the health assessment helps to identify a client’s needs, clinical problems, or nursing diagnoses & to evaluate responses of the person to health problems & interventions (Fuller & Schaller-Ayers, 2000). A community assessment involves monitoring health status to identify community health problems, diagnose & investigate potential health problems & health hazards in the community, & evaluate the effectiveness, accessibility, & quality of personal & population-based health services. Community assessment generally results in a lengthy list of community problems & issues. Assessing the health status of the populations that comprise the community requires ongoing collection & analysis of relevant quantitative & qualitative data. Data analysis can provide direction for priority setting, but the community’s beliefs, attitudes, & opinions, as well as the community’s readiness for change, should also be assessed. Surveillance in the public intervention wheel is related to assessment because it involves “identifying, describing, monitoring health events through ongoing & systematic collection, analysis, & interpretation of health data for the purpose of planning, implementing, & evaluating public health interventions.

. Reference

Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016). Week 1 lesson: Introduction to Community & Public Health Nursing[Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group.

Fuller, J. & Schaller-Ayers, J. (2000). Health assessment – A nursing approach. (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott

Nies, M.A. & McEwen, M. (2015). Health: A community view. Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of the population. (6th ed., p. 6). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier


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NR 443 Week 1 Discussion – Determinants of Health

This week we learned about Core Functions. Of the three core public health functions, assessment, assurance, & policy development, one of these is to be selected for discussion this week. Then discuss how this core function relates to one intervention from the Public Health Intervention Wheel from pages 14-15 of our textbook.