Nissan Rogue Target Market Profile
Mary is a 38-year-old lady, married with three kids, residing in a two-bedroomed apartment in Dallas, Texas. She works as a sales consultant and earns a household income of $65,000 per annum. Her husband, Tom, earns $55,000 working in the nearby mechanic shop as a supervisor. They both contribute towards paying off their mortgage and saving for their children’s higher education tuition fees; thus, they’re looking for a quality car at a reasonable price. The couple has previously owned a Nissan and is confident with the quality and reliability of the brand. Even though they both believe in the value of hard work, both Mary and her husband value family time and sacrifice their working hours to spend time with their kids. They also believe in healthy eating and frequent groceries and other eateries. Moreover, they are both committed to environmental sustainability and would thus appreciate a low emission car. This outlook shapes their purchasing decisions as they would demand a vehicle that consumes less fuel since it would incur lower fuel costs. During their free time, the couple spends their free time attending household duties and caring for their children. Need help with your assignment ? Reach out to us. We offer excellent services.
We’ll write everything from scratch
The Marketing Plan assignment for the launch of the 2021 Nissan Rogue includes product and brand-related strategies. By now, you should have accumulated a massive amount of information about the Rogue and its competitors.
Nissan Rogue Target Market Profile
You should now have identified the attributes/features that are most important to the target market. Next:
- Identify (label/name) the important abstract benefits. Then, link specific attributes to each of those abstract benefits. Benefits and attributes are not the same. For example, airbags and driver alert systems are specific attributes; safety is a benefit derived from airbags and driver alert systems.
Focus on the most important and distinctive benefits that derive from the attributes that distinguish the Rogue from the competition and/or that are worthy of promotion.
NOTE: Identify abstract benefits and their associated attributes before you complete #2 & #3 below. Be concise and focus on the attributes/benefits that matter most to the target market.
Given those distinctive/important/promotion-worthy attributes and benefits and the defined target market, do the following (after you review the online Lecture Notes (LM 7)):
- Develop a positioning statement (PS) for the 2021 Nissan Rogue that fits with the important attributes/benefits defined above by your team. This is NOT the same as the brand personality description in # 3. In one sentence, write a positioning statement that reflects how your team thinks the company should position the brand – based on the information that you have collected about that brand and its competitors. Please follow the format (writing style) in the example below.
Complete this sentence: “We will position the 2021 Nissan Rogue as a _________ compact CUV _____________.”
A PS is NOT copy for a print ad, and it is NOT a list of attributes – a PS transcends brand attributes.
For example:
The 2019 Audi A6 is positioned as an innovative and seductively styled midsize luxury sedan where artisanal craftsmanship and exceptional performance and power collide.
NOTE: Do NOT assign this positioning task (#2) to one team member. It is a challenging task and should be a team effort. The team must approve this statement as it impacts the entire campaign for the ROGUE. Review professor feedback on LE 1, where your team developed positioning statements for the competitive set. Those comments should help here.
- Develop a brand personality for the Rogue that “fits” with the distinctive attributes/ benefits. Use human personality terms to describe a brand personality for the Rogue that is consistent with the defined target market. Use human personality terms – include 4-5 traits that apply to the vehicle. This personality description is not a positioning statement (PS), but should be consistent with the PS above (#2). This is not copy for an ad – it is simply a list of human personality traits (not a list of car attributes or features). It can include the Brand Personality dimensions in Jennifer Aaker’s BP typology (i.e., sophisticated, exciting, competent, sincere, rugged) that are appropriate for the Rogue. [See example on page 2.]
Complete this sentence: “The 2021 Nissan Rogue is . . . . . .”
For example:
The Jeep Wrangler is technology-savvy, confident, bold, rugged, and powerful.
[Note: Develop a brand personality description (using human personality terms) for the Rogue that fits with what you think matters most. This will then become a brand personality objective (for LE 3) that guides your team as you create advertisements and other promotions).]
- Develop a “profile” for the primary target market (as defined by Nissan).
40/60 male/female, ages 30 – 50, some are college educated (attended college), a mix of blue and white collar jobs, mostly suburban. The average annual household income (HHI) is $50,000 plus. These potential buyers are looking for quality at a decent price. Nissan buyers typically are after a good deal. Financing will be important as many will not have great credit scores.
That is, describe a typical Rogue driver/owner using lifestyle, human values, and personality characteristics that your team believes “fits” the general description of the primary target market (as defined by Nissan) and the attributes/features/benefits that are most important to that target. Include, but go beyond, a demographic profile. Do this in paragraph form, telling a story of sorts. Bring this person’s life/lifestyle alive for the reader. This is NOT a sales pitch or copy for an ad, and it is not an extension of the target market definition. It is a biographic/psychographic description of one typical Rogue owner.
An example of a target profile is on the last page of the Marketing Plan assignment document. Do not copy that profile – it is provided for illustration purposes only.
- Be sure that you answer all parts of this assignment: #1 – #4.
- Use the template/outline on the next page for your assignment document – do NOT include any of the above instructions in the file submitted to the BB Dropbox. Type Team Name (e.g., Team One (Online section) or Team 1 (Hybrid section)) and the full name of each member on the top of the document. Submit one response document per team to BB.
- References are not needed/required for LE 2.