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Navigating Organizational Transformation- The Impact of Change and Innovation on Processes

Navigating Organizational Transformation- The Impact of Change and Innovation on Processes

Strategic management is essential in any organization, regardless of the industry in which an organization is operating. Strategic management helps organizations determine whether the business idea is viable by evaluating various strategies developed and implemented by the management team (Fuertes et al., 2020). In the contemporary world, strategic decision-makers must comprehend the various emerging trends in the information technology sector. These trends are essential because they determine where the organization is heading as time passes. The significant role played by information technology has compelled the leadership team of many organizations to consider its integration in the strategic analysis decisions being made. Adopting the latest innovations has seen significant changes in many in which economic activities are being executed. For example, new technologies have served to enhance process efficiency. Besides these, there are other trends the management teams in organizations need to watch out for regarding the information technology field.

Environmental scanning is one of the primary strategic analysis decisions that organizations need to watch out for in the next five years. Environmental scanning has been regarded as an integral phase of strategic analysis management because the findings can be used to develop new strategies or conduct business re-engineering (Fuertes et al., 2020). Available forecasts indicate that many organizations will consider leveraging the geographical information system (GIS) in the proper execution of environmental scanning. This will entail monitoring the activities of competitors, suppliers, and, most importantly, the behaviors of customers or end users. This will be an essential aspect for organizations because it will enable them to strategically position their operations in the market (Fuertes et al., 2020). Therefore, many organizations will adopt GIS technology because it necessitates timely information collection and precise internal and external business environment evaluation.

SWOT analysis is the other imperative aspect that organizations need to watch out for regarding strategic analysis decisions. SWOT analysis is a competitive intelligence tool that helps organizations to have a detailed overview of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the market environment. SWOT analysis can also predict future trends that competitors may adopt in the market. Therefore, SWOT analysis is an essential tool when making strategic decisions because it gives organizations a competitive edge over competitors in the market. This enables organizations to control a large percentage of the market share.

Potential Changes and Innovation in IT

One of the potential changes and innovations in IT that are impacting the operations of organizations relates to how the communication process is being executed. In the modern era, many organizations use emails, websites, and personal applications to communicate with customers. Organizations are shunning away from traditional advertisement forms, such as TV and radio stations. In the future, companies will fully leverage email marketing and social media to interact with their customers (Hanelt et al., 2021). Furthermore, organizations will also be able to get customer feedback through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or even the organization’s website. Administrative operations will also change significantly based on drastic changes in innovation. This can effectively be depicted through the banking industry. In the future, banks will significantly reduce the cost of serving clients by adopting toll-free lines and automated teller machines. The cost of banking using an ATM will only be $1 compared to 2.5$ that would be paid when a human teller is used (Hanelt et al., 2021).

Responses to Changes and Innovation

One of the risks of embracing the above changes and innovation in IT is that information security would be at stake. Employees of organizations would be fond of sending sensitive information via their email addresses, thus posing a serious risk to this information concerning security matters. The managers in an organization can best respond to this risk by developing a network analyzer server to filter all the keywords or specific attachments being sent via email (Hanelt et al., 2021). The other risk that may face organizations is that hackers may exploit the organization’s critical information through hacking software like Citrix, terminal services, or Keyloggers. Managers can mitigate such risks by enabling file permissions and implementing real-time log monitoring.


Fuertes, G., Alfaro, M., Vargas, M., Gutierrez, S., Ternero, R., & Sabattin, J. (2020). A conceptual framework for the strategic management: a literature review—descriptive. Journal of Engineering2020, 1-21.

Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D., & Antunes Marante, C. (2021). A systematic review of the literature on digital transformation: Insights and implications for strategy and organizational change. Journal of Management


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Studies, 58(5), 1159-1197.

Unit VIII Journal
Assignment Content

For this journal, you will utilize course concepts to identify the impact of change and innovation on organizational processes.

Navigating Organizational Transformation- The Impact of Change and Innovation on Processes

Navigating Organizational Transformation- The Impact of Change and Innovation on Processes

Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years and what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field.
How will potential changes and innovation in IT impact organizational processes?
How can managers best respond to these changes and innovations?

Your journal should consist of a minimum of three well-constructed paragraphs. Sources used, if any, should be listed and formatted in APA.