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My Human Services Professional Practitioner Identity

My Human Services Professional Practitioner Identity

I am unique, equipped to do great things for humanity, and go beyond all limits to accomplish this purpose in my life.

The role that I envision for myself is helping others through therapy. Human service is said to play a key role in ensuring that every person has the chance to attain their full potential and actively contribute to their communities (National Human Services Assembly, n.d). I would love to directly impact other people’s lives as this gives me great joy and satisfaction and helps improve their well-being. By helping others, especially those from disadvantaged groups, I will be able to equip them with the necessary resources and care to lead a safe, happy, and dignified life, thereby making them respectable members of their communities.

Some of the major personal characteristics I possess that can be helpful in my role as a human services professional practitioner include respect for others, patience, and empathy. According to Sparkman-Key et al. (2018), such roles are important in social work and should be practiced in addition to good communication and listening skills and being non-judgmental. Showing empathy is my greatest skill. I tend to listen keenly to other people. I have also improved my non-verbal communication skills, which allows me to pay special attention to people’s body language. This helps me know how best to connect with people and understand what they are saying without actually saying it. Consequently, with the helping skills and knowledge I have gained over the years, I will know how best to help individuals with various needs and in different situations. LaFasto and Larson (2012) point out the need for a humanitarian leader to be able to go beyond simply showing empathy and choosing to do something for people and being socially responsible. In addition to empathy, I consider myself respectful of others, a skill I have gained through interactions with people from diverse backgrounds. Knowing the diversity of the population I will be working with, I believe respecting and treating them as humanely as possible will be important. Lastly, I consider myself a patient person. This is a skill that I continue to learn every day. As a human services professional practitioner, one would be dealing with situations that may fail to show results immediately. According to the Institute for Alternative Futures (2018), human services deal with unending challenges that may come in the form of recessions and economic downfalls, resulting in increased inequality and poverty. Dealing with such things requires great patience, as results could take years to be seen. Working with clients who have problems like substance addiction will require me to show patience in the process and give my best to help the client in the best way possible.

I am an African American. The Black community is among the minorities in the US, and various stereotypes are commonly attached to this community. For instance, Black people are often associated with violence and drug abuse. Being a black person has exposed me to knowledge of various things, such as how best to work with minority groups who are often underrepresented, misunderstood, and negatively stereotyped. I have become more aware of my own biases toward other people as well and can contain these biases while working with members of other cultures. My ability to exercise fairness in treating other people has also increased. In addition, cultural humility has played a key role in my identity as it enables me to self-reflect, critique, and acknowledge my biases and how they impact my interactions with others. Given the diversity of the population that I will be working with as a human services professional practitioner, demonstrating respect and cultural humility will be important. This will help me view the world through the client’s eyes, get to know their values and beliefs and be able to know how best to work with them while showing respect for their values and beliefs.

My key values include respect for others, helping others, having a sense of personal accomplishment, leaving the world a better place, and being responsible. These values will help me maintain professionalism, particularly while dealing with various ethical dilemmas I may face while working in human services. Having a sense of accomplishment and being responsible are particularly important to me as they help me develop resilience at work and be accountable for my actions.

My profile is a perfect fit for my professional identity. In regard to interpersonal skills, I rate myself highly as I consider myself very good at caring for others, listening to them, and showing empathy. I also possess high perseverance levels, work well with others, and have great written and oral communication skills. My stress-management skills are still imperfect, as I tend to burn out from interactions with people who need my help. However, since I am optimistic and patient, I can deal with this and will not allow this to get in the way of helping clients.

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Institute for Alternative Futures. (2018). Human progress and human services 2035: A scenario exploration. Links to an external site.

LaFasto, F. M. J., & Larson, C. (2012e). These are the cards that were dealt me. In The Humanitarian Leader in Each of Us: 7 Choices that Shape a Socially Responsible Life (pp. 97–110). Sage Publications Inc.

National Human Services Assembly. (n.d.). National Reframing Human Services Initiative. Links to an external site.

Sparkman-Key, N., Vajda, A. J., & Borden, N. S. J. (2018). Human services identity development: Exploration of student perceptions. Links to an external site. Journal of Human Services, 38(1), 21–33. Retrieved from


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My Human Services Professional Practitioner Identity

My Human Services Professional Practitioner Identity

Creating a professional identity as part of a professional journey is a best practice. Plans can be quite extensive, detailing everything you need to do in order to complete a degree and engage in the profession. For this Assignment, you are expected to consider one element of a professional development plan that reflects your self-assessment. What skills, abilities, and characteristics do you possess that will make you an effective leader? In addition, how do your cultural identity and personal values fit with your aspirations to engage in this type of work?
Review your course announcements for possible information related to this week’s Assignment.
Review the videos and other Learning Resources.
Using a scale of 1–10 (1 being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest), assign yourself a score for each of the following questions:
How would you rate your leadership skills?
How would you rate your interpersonal skills (e.g., empathy, listening, sharing, caring)?
How would you rate your oral and written communication skills?
How would you rate your collaboration skills? (Do you work well with others? Are you a team player?)
How would you rate your stress-management skills?
How would you rate your level of perseverance?
How well do you respond to disappointment and frustration?
How would you rate your optimism?
How would you rate your negotiation skills?
After you have completed your self-assessment, review your blog posts throughout the course. Combine these personal assessment elements to create your own professional profile. This is only the start of developing this profile, which will give you a better understanding of who you are as a human services practitioner, what you hope to do within this field of work, and how you will affect social change.

Create a 2- to 3-page paper that integrates the personal assessment, data, and reflections you gathered throughout the course to develop a professional human services professional practitioner identity. Include the following:
An identity statement
The role you envision for yourself
The skills and characteristics you possess that will allow you to be effective in your role
An explanation of the role your cultural identity will play in your success as a human services professional practitioner and your ability to demonstrate cultural humility
How your ethics and values will guide you in your future work
How your profile fits in with your professional identity

The role I envision for myself would be helping others through therapy/psychology.