My Carbon Footprint
What was your carbon footprint (number of pounds of emissions for each category)? How did your family’s carbon footprint (annual pounds of C2 emissions) compare to the US average?
After using the carbon footprint calculator for my household, the number of pounds of emissions for each category per year was as follows: home energy = 53 768 pounds, transportation = 55 476 pounds, and waste = 3,706 pounds. According to a report published in 2019 by Song et al., an American household emits approximately nineteen to ninety tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per annum. My household’s total CO2 emissions were 112,950 pounds, equal to almost 57 tons of CO2 emissions.
Did your carbon footprint numbers surprise you? Why, or why not?
These results shocked me because they exceeded the recommended carbon emissions per person, which is 6000 to 16000 per annum. Not to mention that the average carbon emissions of an American range between 16,000 to 22,000 pounds (Song et al., 2019).
Explain at least two types of changes you were willing to take or not take in each category (energy, transportation, and waste).
In the home energy usage category, I would implement changes in the types of bulbs used and use more green energy. Incandescent light bulbs, which are what we have, are very energy-consuming. The best alternative to this is replacing them with energy star light bulbs, which not only cost less to run but are also energy efficient. The second change is installing solar panels, which are a form of green energy. Besides, Arizona is a fairly hot area; therefore, solar panels will be the best alternative. The subsequent changes would be in the category of transportation. I would reduce carbon emissions by reducing the number of times I use my car. I would use a bicycle for short-distance errands, and for long distances, I can occasionally substitute for the bus or train. In the waste category, I realized that we as a household have to recycle more and ensure that most of the products we purchase, like bags, can be recycled.
How much were your emissions numbers reduced with your proposed changes?
After inputting the proposed changes, our household emissions were reduced by almost 15,000 pounds. However, the number was still larger than the US average indicated in the calculator. Nevertheless, I feel that this is a significant reduction based on a few changes, and if I do more research on techniques for reducing my carbon footprint, I can reduce the number much further.
Summarize your savings.
- How many trees are your proposed changes equal to?
According to the calculator, my proposed changes would be equal to planting 231 trees.
- How much monetary savings are your proposed changes equal to?
Approximately 2500 dollars
- How many pounds of waste reduction are your changes equal to?
1500 pounds
What role do you think the government should take in reducing emissions?
The government should carry out several strategies to reduce emissions, including ensuring that the country uses clean energy sources. It is crucial that policies be implemented to reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources like natural gas and fossil fuels, which are among the leading causes of carbon dioxide emissions. Instead, the government should enforce the use of renewable power sources like solar energy and nuclear energy, which have little to no negative effect on carbon dioxide emissions. These steps are crucial because, in recent years, we have experienced the effects of climate change, like heat waves and freezing temperatures, all of which are brought about by greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere.
While the EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator may not be super accurate and not truly personalized, what is the calculator’s purpose?
The calculator aims to give one a general idea of their ecological footprint. This is important as it helps individuals realize how they affect the environment, whether damaging or maintaining a sustainable environment.
Write a few sentences summarizing your thoughts on the assignment.
My opinion on this assignment is that it was an eye-opener, and I think that as many people as possible should take it. The assignment helped me realize that my lifestyle would not be sustainable if everyone lived like me, so I need to improve it. Realizing how much human activities damage the environment is enlightening and helps one become more environmentally conscious.
Song, K., Qu, S., Taiebat, M., Liang, S., & Xu, M. (2019). Scale, distribution, and variations of global greenhouse gas emissions driven by US households. Environment International, 133, 105137.
We’ll write everything from scratch
My Carbon Footprint
Complete the EPA carbon footprint calculator activity at
Use this worksheet to record your responses to the following questions. Your responses (not counting the questions) should equal 500 words of content.
- What was your carbon footprint (number of pounds of emissions for each category)? How did your family’s carbon footprint (annual pounds of C2 emissions) compare to the U.S. average?
- Did your carbon footprint numbers surprise you? Why, or why not?
- Explain at least two types of changes you were willing to take or not take in each category (energy, transportation, and waste).
- How much were your emissions numbers reduced with your proposed changes?
- Summarize your savings.
- How many trees are your proposed changes equal to?
- How much monetary savings are your proposed changes equal to?
- How many pounds of waste reduction are your changes equal to?
- What role do you think the government should take in reducing emissions?
- While the EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator may not be super accurate and not truly personalized, what is the calculator’s purpose?
- Write a few sentences summarizing your thoughts on the assignment.