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Mission and Vision Statement

Mission and Vision Statement

Change is an essential strategic planning element. It involves an organization’s transition toward change. Plans are created out of necessity for the organization’s move toward a particular direction. Some programs may also develop organically. Vision and mission statements help communicate the plan’s goals to the public and employees. The discussion delves into what vision and mission statements are and their importance.

Mission and vision statements both describe the organization’s purpose. The significant difference between these two is that while mission statements represent the operating space of an organization, vision statements describe where the organization aspires to be in the future. Some elements make compelling mission and vision statements. Mission statements need to be memorable, developed for long-term purposes, and have a connection to the employees. On the other hand, the vision statements must be directional, use future tense verbs, and be audacious and descriptive.

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Mission and Vision Statement

Businesses often rewrite or make strategic plans during an organization’s transition phase when its structure changes or as a responsible approach to the dynamic market conditions. Change can sometimes be a complex process, and staff needs time to adapt and board with making decisions. One tool that could help in vividly articulating the company is the vision and mission statements. Repetition is a powerful tool because, in conjunction with saying the positive reasons for moving towards change, the employees stay motivated and engaged in the whole process.

Importance of a Mission Statement

 A mission statement is essential for any strategic plan (Mueller, 2015). It is often developed after the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis but before the rest of the plan is continued. A mission statement is foundational because it answers why the organization should exist (Mueller, 2015). It explains the space of operation in which the organization exists and not where it plans to be in the future- that is the vision statement. The components of a good mission statement include:


 The mission statement should not sound cropped or copy-pasted from another company. Each company is different from another; therefore, the mission statement should be the organization’s simple and accurate description of the company’s value. It should be substantive and not generally broad. Hence, it is essential to dig into the company to pinpoint the organization’s concrete value (Virtualstrategist, 2016). Originality also means clearly articulating the company’s place in that particular industry.

Foundational to Stand the Test of Time

 Planning should be considered for the long haul while developing the mission statement (Braun et al., 2017). It should be able to last despite the possible changes in direction. Continuity resonates better with the audience as it maintains a consistent brand image.

Linked to the Staff

 The mission statement ought to have an emotional appeal. It should be engaging, energizing, memorable, inspirational, and connect to the employees (Braun et al., 2017). The employees should go about their daily activities, knowing that what they do has a purpose to better the world.

Concise and Short

 Short and concise means clear and focused, and all these results in a memorable mission statement; covering too many objectives results in the confusion of prospects (Braun et al., 2017).

Fit on a T-shirt.

 The mission statement should be the brand’s persona. Writings that fists on a t-shirt compel an individual to read and be smitten. This is the company’s handshake between prospects and the organization (Virtualstrategist, 2016).

Importance of a Vision Statement

Like a mission statement, a vision statement helps describe an organization’s purpose. Vision statements articulate the organization’s direction to inspire the employees and their behavior. Strategic plans could also require a vision statement encouraging consumers to engage with the organization (Mueller, 2015). Therefore, describing a vision statement as a perspective into the future with a positive and hopeful outlook is correct. The company’s long-term and inspirational plan is defined as the people who will take part, what will be accomplished, and the company’s perception. Currently, it is often out of reach but attainable shortly. There are three vision statement types, including quantitative, which expresses things in numbers, for example, a vision statement beginning with “Every kid…” The second is the competitive type, which often sounds like an organization wants to be the head of another (Virtualstrategist, 2016). The third is excellent, which describes the organization as the top-most or best. Several components are to making a good vision statement, and they include:

At least Five Years in Nature

 The vision statement, as described above, is a long-term venture. Five to ten years is a good starting point (Virtualstrategist, 2016).

Use the Future Tense

 It should include verbs in the future tense, such as “will,” because vision statements describe the anticipated future of the organization (Virtualstrategist, 2016).

Is Directional

Vision statements do not describe where the company is at the moment but where it will be in the future (Muller, 2015).

It is Audacious

 Visions are about going big and confident.

It is Descriptive

 It ought to be expanding. It paints a bigger picture of the company’s direction (Virtualstrategist, 2016).

Technology Venture

 A new technology venture would be developing electrical buses and using the same electric car technology to upgrade bus transport. The growing awareness of environmental issues is the core driving point for this initiative. Therefore, the mission statement for Bus Electrica would be:

Our Mission is to bring a compelling accumulation market of electric buses to hasten the advent of environmentally friendly and sustainable transport.

The vision statement would be:

We envision introducing the most compelling 21st-century electric bus company by supporting the world’s changeover towards renewable energy by 2040 by achieving Zero percent emissions and partnering with more environmental organizations.


Vision and mission statements help communicate the plan’s goals to the public and employees. An effective mission statement is clear and concise, original, should be developed with the property to stand the test of time, should have an emotional connection with the employees, and, most importantly, should fit into a T-shirt. Contrary to the vision statement, the mission statement describes the organization’s operation space, while the vision statement describes where the company aspires to be. For an effective vision statement, it is essential that it is descriptive, daring, considers a time frame of five years and looks, and should describe the “where” of the company.”


Braun, S., Wesche, J. S., Frey, D., Weisweiler, S., & Peus, C. (04 December 2017). Effectiveness of mission statements in organizations–A review. Journal of Management & Organization. Retrieved from nts_in_Organizations_-_A_Review

Virtualstrategist. (10 November 2016). How to write a vision statement. [YouTube File]. Retrieved from

Virtualstrategist. (02 November 2016). How to write a mission statement. [YouTube File]. Retrieved from

Mueller, R. A. (2015). Do values drive the plan? Investigating the nature and role of organizational values in university strategic planning. Tertiary Education and Management, 21(1), 41-55.


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Mission and Vision Statement

Mission and Vision Statement

What is a mission and vision statement? Why are vision and mission statements important?
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.