Michigan House Senior Living as a Learning Organization
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Michigan House Senior Living is a learning organization because it has some attributes of a learning organization. One of the attributes is collaboration among employees to share insights, knowledge, and ideas. The second attribute is employee training programs, and the third is effective communication, characterized by transparency and multiple communication channels. These attributes have enabled the organization to develop some strengths, which include a good reputation and the ability to offer a wide range of services such as assisted living, memory care, and life enrichment (Michigan House Senior Living, 2023). However, the organization experiences a staff shortage because of the high demand for qualified nurses and caregivers in Michigan and nearby states.
According to Senge (2006), personal mastery includes commitment to learning by continually deepening and clarifying a person’s personal vision. Michigan House Senior Living has taken various measures to promote personal mastery. For instance, employees are trained to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to meet the organization’s vision. The staff in the organization is also committed to reality and truth. Some of the things that staff do to demonstrate commitment to reality and truth are treating patients well to create a friendly environment as indicated in the organization’s mission, dealing with the challenges in the work environment as soon as they arise to promote client satisfaction and being accountable for actions within the workplace.
According to Senge (2006), employees must identify the organization’s values and what the business entails. Michigan House Senior Living accommodates changes in employee mental models through various measures. One of the measures is implementing ideas shared by employees to improve services in the facility. Secondly, Michigan House Senior Living engages employees in decision-making. In addition, it encourages open conversations among employees to create a new belief system. Lastly, the organization trains employees to equip them with the capabilities needed to adjust to new mental models.
Kaiser et al. (2021) note that a shared vision is an employee’s awareness of the organization’s future aspirations and strategic objectives. Accordingly, Michigan House Senior Living maintains a shared vision of giving residents the independence they desire with the help they need. The organization has built a shared vision through a compassionate, experienced, and dedicated team of caregivers, providing personalized attention to the residents’ needs, communicating the organization’s vision to all employees, and rewarding employees who meet the organization’s expectations.
Michigan House Senior Living promotes team learning by taking various measures. One of the measures is organizing training programs to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to complete assigned tasks. Additionally, the organization coaches employees and measures employee performance and rewards them based on their performance. Further, Michigan House Senior Living promotes collaboration among staff. Lastly, the organization assesses the needs of teams and supports them in implementing innovative ideas.
According to Senge (2006), systems thinking is a discipline that involves considering interrelationships and change patterns. Michigan Senior House Living promotes systems thinking through various approaches. One of the approaches is creating open communication channels. The second approach is providing regular feedback to staff based on their performance and client feedback. The third approach is involving employees in change implementation by embracing their ideas on how the change should be implemented.
Michigan House Senior Living would experience resistance from employees and misalignment between employees’ personal vision and the organization’s vision when moving to a learning organization. The main impact of resistance from some employees is conflict among the employees, lack of collaboration in doing what is needed to implement the change and reduced employee morale. The main impact of the misalignment between the employees’ personal vision and the organization’s vision is reduced commitment.
One of the strategies that Michigan Senior House Living can use to transform into a learning organization is integrating work and learning. This strategy was selected over the others because the main operations at Michigan Senior House Living require continuous improvement and adapting to changes in the clients’ needs, hence the need to allow employees to learn as they work. The strategy would help the organization adapt to changes in clients’ needs, respond faster to the changes in clients’ needs, provide high-quality services, and maintain high customer satisfaction.
The second strategy that Michigan Senior House Loving can use to transform into a learning organization is building learning communities. This strategy was selected because Michigan Senior House Living’s workforce comprises staff in different functional areas. The main functional areas include nursing and caregiving. The strategy would help the organization increase the efficiency of functional areas, promote collaboration among employees in functional areas, and create shared goals among employees, leading to increased commitment.
The third strategy that Michigan Senior House Loving can use to transform into a learning organization is creating practice fields. This strategy was selected because Michigan Senior House Living staff must practice what they learn to master the newly acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies. This strategy would help the organization reduce errors and mistakes made by the staff when delivering services because practice will enable them to identify the causes of errors and mistakes and how to avoid them. The strategy will also enable the organization to identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses and assist them in eliminating the weaknesses, leading to increased employee motivation.
Michigan House Senior Living is a learning organization because it accommodates changes in employee mental models, maintains a shared vision, promotes personal learning and promotes team learning. The proposed strategies that the organization can use to promote organizational learning include integrating work and learning, building learning communities and creating practice fields.
Kaiser, A., Fahrenbach, F., & Martinez, H. (2021). Creating shared visions in organizations – taking an organizational learning and knowledge management perspective. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. https://doi.org/10.24251/hicss.2021.632
Michigan House Senior Living. (2023). Michigan House Senior Living: Why choose us? https://michiganhouseseniorliving.com/
Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Doubleday.
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Michigan House Senior Living as a Learning Organization
This week, we have reviewed Senge’s five disciplines of a learning organization. For this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint presentation, evaluating your organization using Senge’s disciplines.
- First, explore whether your organization is a learning organization
- Discuss your findings, evaluating both strengths and weaknesses. If relevant, you can use the past six weeks of analysis that you have performed on your organization as evidence to support your
- Analyze each of the five
- In your analysis, tell your audience how your evidence (behavior of your organization) supports your claims. You must support your position, going beyond simply providing an
- Discuss the challenges that your organization would face moving to a learning organization.
- Use three of Senge’s eight strategies that would help your organization to transform into a learning
- Explain why you selected these three strategies over the
- In your analysis, discuss specifically how these strategies would help your company.