Mens Health Awareness Month- Key Strategies for Enhancing Health in Senior Men
Aging in men is associated with an increase in the occurrence of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease (Paneni et al., 2017). Older men should make healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise and a healthy diet to reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease
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Men’s Health
Obesity predisposes individuals to several chronic illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, that affect the quality of life. This risk is higher in older men who are overweight (Kachur et al., 2017). One healthy lifestyle choice that men with obesity can make is weight loss. Weight loss has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, which increases the risk of developing heart disease.
A healthy weight can be achieved and maintained via lifestyle modifications such as having a well-balanced and healthy diet. Diet should consist of heart-healthy foods and low salt intake to minimize the risk of developing hypertension. Another healthy lifestyle choice is the cessation of smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing stroke, heart disease, and cancer, particularly lung cancer (Kondo et al., 2019).
Aging in men can also lead to a decrease in physical activity and mobility. These play a role in the development of obesity and hypertension. Therefore, exercise is recommended to help in weight reduction and maintenance of the BMI within a healthy range. Exercising also minimizes the risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease (Fiuza-Luces et al., 2018).
Healthcare providers can organize regular check-ups to catch illnesses at an early stage. Regular follow-up is also necessary to monitor the progress of diseases in male patients above the age of 60. The men’s health month in June can be used to raise awareness about some of the above lifestyle choices that men, in general, should make. Accordingly, this can help men take control of their lives by adopting healthy lifestyles such as exercising and eating healthy.
In conclusion, adopting a healthy lifestyle and making healthy lifestyle decisions can play a big role in reducing morbidity and mortality among older men. Regular check-ups and follow-ups can also play a role in increasing the life expectancy of elderly male patients.
Fiuza-Luces, C., Santos-Lozano, A., Joyner, M., Carrera-Bastos, P., Picazo, O., Zugaza, J. L., Izquierdo, M., Ruilope, L. M., & Lucia, A. (2018). Exercise benefits in cardiovascular disease: beyond attenuation of traditional risk factors. Nature reviews. Cardiology, 15(12), 731–743.
Kachur, S., Lavie, C. J., de Schutter, A., Milani, R. V., & Ventura, H. O. (2017). Obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Minerva Medica, 108(3), 212–228.
Kondo, T., Nakano, Y., Adachi, S., & Murohara, T. (2019). Effects of Tobacco Smoking on Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation journal: official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society, 83(10), 1980–1985.
Paneni, F., Diaz Cañestro, C., Libby, P., Lüscher, T. F., & Camici, G. G. (2017). The Aging Cardiovascular System: Understanding It at the Cellular and Clinical Levels. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69(15), 1952–1967.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This article needs to focus on men’s health, specifically senior men’s health. It is geared towards the people who work with the 60+ population and the people themselves.
Men’s Health Awareness Month- Key Strategies for Enhancing Health in Senior Men
June is Men’s Health Awareness Month, so it also needs to reflect that