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Mass Media and Socialization

Mass Media and Socialization

Media is all around; it comes in magazines, newspapers, books, radio, and others. It is used in work-related activities, entertainment or leisure, educational research, and keeping children occupied as parents engage in other tasks. Media has been around for centuries and is part of human life from birth to death; consequently, it constantly grows and develops to sophisticated levels with technology and soft wares. On a daily basis, people, children and adults- consume media content because it offers everything to different target groups (Richard, 2016). Children and young adults consume more media content than their adult parents in the last century. Parents have also become liberal about media use and are open to the idea of their children using media. For example, it’s common for parents to give children phones or tablets to occupy them as they engage in other activities. Many children in the new generation have the latest applications and technologies from a very young age. Young people are known as the digital natives since they are born in a society and a digitally implemented environment. Introduction to media and technology at a young age enables them to learn how to use gadgets early in life.

Media has both a negative and positive impact on the psychosocial development of children. Social media usage among children can bring some positive aspects. For example, fine cognitive and motor skills, educational enrichment, readiness to learn, and exposure to art. Media has a negative impact, like conveying misleading messages and false ideologies to children, sexual content, and violent behavior. It’s a significant concern to parents, healthcare professionals, and educators. Children are proactive and hence used to the various media output sources and technology. Without explanations and guidance on specific applications and topics, children can easily be influenced negatively by media content.

Evidently, children can easily access various movies covering different issues depending on the child’s interests, gender, and age group. Children’s films are usually cartooned or animated to get children’s attention. Besides, children and teenagers find animated movies entertaining since they are filled with magical beings, action, singing, dancing, and exciting characters. That makes the children and teenagers get involved in the movie. Again, children can quickly learn their first and second language through watching Disney movies, though sometimes they may not have much concept about what they are watching. If not guided and explained the meaning well, they may end up misusing the vocabulary.

Disney is one of the biggest and most popular media companies that create popular children’s content. The Disney Corporation has been in the market for over ninety years. Different media platforms have their ways that they use to have an effect on their target audience. The target audience for Disney is children, teenagers, young adults, and some adults-the target audience is broad.

Children primarily consume Disney movies compared to other channels. Each film conveys a different theme and message to children; they consume and learn from it. Hence, Disney movies have different influences on the social development of a child. Children and teenagers can easily pick up their electronic devices and stay in their rooms or locations where they stay connected online (Anderson & Jiang, 2018). It creates a bedroom culture among teenagers and children. It is a culture where teenagers and children spend a good fraction of their days in private or personal space. The separation from other people results in low interactions with friends and family. Consequently, it can make a child less sociable, affecting their learning since they do not desire to communicate or interact with the world. They prefer to remain active online while comfortable in their bedrooms or in comfortable private spaces. Sitting in one place for hours just watching movies and programs can limit a child’s physical development, which is a vital aspect of a child’s growth.

Disney movies and content convey a message to the children that can positively influence them. The movie’s portrayal of different characters, environments, roles, and situations enhances the children’s imagination of the world. That can expand the creativity of children. Additionally, the information gathered from the Disney movies can be used when the children are playing with their siblings, parents, and friends. The exchange of information learned from the film can make the children sociable in their peer community since they can share information with friends (Genner & Süss, 2017). Children can integrate the information into their daily activities and lives.

Moreover, depending on the movie or program the child watches, it can provide educational value. Again, parents should play a key role in explaining the context of a film to children and supervising children’s use of media (Cheung et al., 2021). That will ensure that children understand the message and do not watch harmful content. Children develop cognitive, experience, memory, problem-solving, and conceptualization skills. Children’s mental concepts include attitudes and behaviors about the world and environment. Their actions and language are built and conveyed through the characters they watch.

Furthermore, cartoon movies offer education and important information to children about the world. They are also entertaining. Cartoon teaches children important societal values like teamwork and respect for parents and adults. Not only can they also enrich the language of children, but they also help them master a foreign language if the comic is in that language. Cartoons like Travelers and Dora help a child discover the world. With the many heroes and healthy characters in cartoons, children gain positive characteristics by imitating their heroes. Disney movies offer essential life lessons to children and teenagers. Lessons about good versus evil, friendship, death, loss, family, love, and happiness. They can educate them about unfair situations in society, like racism. It can teach them to accept ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious differences.

Further, animated movies can help parents communicate challenging situations to children—for example, the COVID-19 pandemic and the death of people. Disney movies have played a role in empowering women through characters that are women heroes (Garabedian, 2015). It has allowed children to learn their gender roles and learn family relationships and the need to maintain them no matter what. It teaches children courage and importance, the ability to look past their obstacles and focus on the bigger picture. The many movies with reoccurring themes allow children to see the world as multi-dimensional.

In conclusion, media is undoubtedly a part of most people’s day-to-day activities. For instance, while many people use the media for different purposes, children watch Disney movies for entertainment purposes. Evidently, these movies negatively and positively affect children and teenagers. The constant watching of cartoons and films using phones and tablets can make children glued to their screens and neglect their families and friends. Spending time in private places or bedrooms makes them not sociable. However, it can have a positive impact. Disney movies can give information that children use when playing with other children and essential lessons that help them to survive. Since Disney movies and media, in general, has both positive and negative influence on children, parents should be vigilant and watch what their children watch. Consumption of harmful content has adverse effects while consuming productive information has positive effects.


Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research Center31(2018), 1673-1689.

Cheung, M., Leung, C. A., & Huang, Y. J. (2021). Absentee Parents in Disney Feature-length Animated Movies: What are Children Watching?. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-14.

Genner, S., & Süss, D. (2017). Socialization as a media effect. The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects1.

Garabedian, J. (2015). Animating gender roles: How Disney is redefining the modern princess. James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal (JMURJ)2(1), 4.

Richard, T. S. (2016). Sociology: A brief introduction. MCGRAW-HILL US HIGHER ED.


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analyze the effects of mass media on the development and socialization of children and young adults. Specifically, analyze and comment on the role of the Disney corporation in this field.

Mass Media and Socialization

Mass Media and Socialization

How do you feel Disney, its films, and its characters influence the development and socialization of young children? Do they reflect an outdated social consciousness?
Consider different aspects of social development, such as gender consciousness, racial consciousness, role models, “moral” storytelling, and how to preserve, define, interpret, and possibly re-imagine culturally significant artworks – like Disney’s films.
Make sure your analytic essay has a central focus and thesis and that you support your analysis with specific examples and relevant citations. While you should focus on Disney (its films and its role), you may want to contrast their films with newer ones from other animation companies such as Dreamworks.
4 double-spaced pages (not including the cover or references pages), 12-point font, and APA format.
Reference at least two outside sources in addition to your textbook, and cite your sources appropriately.