Marketing Discussion – Why do Marketers Proclaim That “Content is King”?
Technological advancements have created a digital age characterized by widespread internet use. Companies in the modern business environment have adapted to using the internet to market products and services to many customers across different demographics by advertising on social media platforms. One of the main types of digital marketing is content marketing. Content marketing includes generating appropriate, valuable information to gain, attract, and engage the target customers (Hilker, 2017). It may include videos, articles, blogs, emails, and newsletters. The main attributes of effective content marketing include understanding the target audience’s profile, having a plan for publishing the content that the target audience should view, making the marketing content interesting, useful, and meaningful, and continuing to build the brand. Marketers proclaim that “content is king” because it supports marketing activities. Content marketing drives all major marketing activities used to persuade and engage the target audience (Chaffey & Smith, 2022). Marketers also proclaim that “content is king” because it informs customers about a business’s products and services and portrays its image.
In digital marketing, content marketing is used to persuade customers by explaining why a company’s products or services are unique and providing more information about the product or service. For example, companies can create videos describing how a product works to engage the audience. A company can also post video testimonials provided by other customers to persuade customers to purchase a product or service based on the benefits that they will get. Content marketing in digital marketing may include informative articles describing a company’s products or services. The articles may be posted on the company’s social media platforms or website. Marketers also proclaim that “content is king” because it enables the target customer to remember a brand and its products and services based on the message and emotional appeal of the content shared through various marketing channels.
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Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. (2022). Digital marketing excellence: Planning, optimizing, and integrating online marketing. Taylor & Francis.
Hilker, C. (2017). Content-marketing-Tools. Content Marketing in der Praxis, 213-241.
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Marketing Discussion
Why do marketers proclaim that “content is king”? Justify your response with an explanation of how content is used in digital marketing using the “Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing” link below.