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Marketing Campaign – I Choose Life Campaign

Marketing Campaign – I Choose Life Campaign

Campaign Theme

Vamoose Bus Company is a bus transportation company that operates between New York City and the suburban areas of Washington, DC. The company has maintained a legacy of effective delivery of its services and maintaining flexibility in its services. The company has also been embarking on corporate social responsibility to boost its reputation and increase its customer base. The “I Choose Life Campaign” is a campaign aimed at demonstrating the company’s corporate social responsibility. The campaign will focus on providing free masks and sanitizers to the elderly and transporting them to the COVID-19 vaccination centers. The company will hire nurses who will be in charge of taking care of the elderly on their way to the vaccination centers and assisting them in walking to the vaccination point. The company will also collaborate with the different companies offering the vaccine to create vaccination centers close to the elderly people’s location to avoid long journeys that could result in exhaustion. The company will additionally work with local community members to reach the elderly in the community, especially those with no caregiver or family to look after them. This campaign can benefit humanity by reducing the spread of Covid-19 among the elderly, who are at high risk of dying due to the complications of the disease because of their weak immune systems.

Target Audience

The campaign’s target audience will be the elderly and caregivers. The caregivers will be targeted because they are in a better position to identify where the elderly are, hence working with the company to reach them and organize their transportation to the immunization centers and also ensure that they receive the sanitizers and masks provided by the company. Caregivers will also be consulted on any special needs that nurses taking care of the elderly on their way to the immunization center need to consider, such as medication and mental disorders. This is based on the fact that the bus cannot accommodate each of the elderly person’s caregivers, as this would reduce the capacity of elderly people transported per trip and increase the time taken to complete the campaign and the costs incurred. The elderly population is the main target for the campaign because it focuses on helping them access the COVID-19 vaccination to reduce their risk of contracting the disease and reduce the mortality rate arising from the disease among the elderly.


The campaign will integrate marketing communications across platforms through advertising, public relations and publicity, word-of-mouth marketing, and personal selling. The main advertising strategies that will be used will be radio, television, direct mail, catalogs and leaflets, and social media platforms. The company will approach local radio stations, especially those that discuss content that is appropriate for older people. Radio will also help in reaching the elderly who listen to different radio programs and music to deal with loneliness. A study conducted by Krause (2020) indicated that most elderly people turn to music to improve their well-being by improving their self-esteem, mood, and cognitive abilities. The company will approach different community radio stations that discuss health topics to reach as many people as possible. The radio advertisements will include details on the areas where the bus will be picking up the elderly, pick-up days, and the days set aside for the distribution of free sanitizers and masks. The television ads will be aired at different times in between popular programs to ensure that they are viewed by as many people as possible. Television ads are likely to reach many elderly people because, according to Ongun et al. (2016), television is the primary delivery instrument for the elderly based on the fact that 50% of the elderly population watch it to get company. The company will use nurses and caregivers to conduct personal selling because they can easily convince the elderly and have a better understanding of how to approach them, especially elderly people with mental disorders. The caregivers and nurses will be required to identify themselves whenever they approach an elderly person so that they can build trust and encourage as many elderly people as possible to take the vaccine and use masks and sanitizers. Direct mail will target community healthcare providers, volunteers in assisted living facilities, caregivers, psychologists, and nurses. They will be informed about the campaign, including the proposed schedule for the activities in the campaign. The catalogs and leaflets will be distributed across shopping centers and convenience stores to create awareness of the campaign through word of mouth.

The campaign will also be launched online. The company will use different social media platforms to create awareness of the vulnerability of the elderly to COVID-19 and the weakness of their immune system, hence encouraging people to encourage their elderly loved ones to take the vaccine and be part of the campaign. The company will also provide information on the areas where the free masks and sanitizers will be distributed and the pick-up schedules for the vaccination programs. The company will additionally use social media platforms to encourage healthcare providers to volunteer as nurses to help the elderly while being transported to the vaccination centers. This will help ensure that there are enough volunteers throughout the entire campaign period to avoid overworking them and interfering with their schedules. For instance, a volunteer can opt to help on one trip and let another take over. The company will appoint a team of online marketing professionals to monitor and engage with the campaign throughout its life cycle. They will interact with people who post comments and monitor the comments to make any adjustments that may be required. For instance, people may comment on areas that the bus needs to consider when picking up the elderly. The company may, therefore, consider adding such areas after assessing the logistics and updating the audience on these changes. French (2017) argues that the process of engaging with the audience on online platforms and monitoring interactions with them directly relates to the social principle, which is an important part of every successful campaign. The principle refers to the fluid nature of social media design and sustenance in relationships through two-way communication on topics of mutual interest that is initiated and driven by users. It includes establishing online communities and sharing interests.


The campaign will last for 12 weeks, which is approximately three months. The first month will include distrusting face masks and sanitizers on the elderly while collecting statistics on the number of elderly people per region. After the first month, the company will take one week to plan pic up schedules based on the gathered statistics and collaborate with vaccination centers to set aside specific days for administering the vaccine to the elderly. The company will also interview volunteers over one week to ensure that they have the skills and capabilities required to take care of the elderly. The pick-ups will begin in the sixth week. The company will be dispatching two buses twice a week to pick up the elderly in different regions. The pick-up schedules will be divided based on age. For instance, the elderly between 65 and 75 will be picked in the morning, while those aged between 75 years and above will be picked in the afternoon. This will be done to ensure that the nurses on board are not strained. The trip carrying the elderly aged 65 and 75 years will have two caregivers, while that carrying those who are 76 years and above will have three caregivers because this group of elderly care may require more care. During the sixth, seventh, and eighth weeks, the company will pick elderly people from the urban areas, while those in suburban areas will be picked from the ninth to the tenth week. The twelfth week will be used to assess the success of the campaign and determine whether to continue or stop based on the achievement of the campaign’s goal.


Activity Cost
Promotion $10,000
Masks $15,000
Sanitizers $20,000
Staff $8,0000
Transportation costs $25,000

The budget will be adjusted based on the number of elderly people per location. The main adjustments will be in the cost of masks, sanitizers, and transportation. Staff and promotion costs are expected to remain the same.

Measuring and evaluating the success of the campaign

Evaluation is vital to assess the effectiveness of the campaign and its growth opportunities. This step will include measuring the number of people who respond to the campaign across different social media platforms. It will also involve establishing an attribution strategy for social media’s value in the overall campaign. One of the strategies that will be used to measure and evaluate the campaign’s success is the lead ratio to the company’s social media platforms. The company will assess whether there have been any new visits to its website and social media pages since the campaign began and the conversions per site. The second strategy will be reviewing organic searches arising from the campaign. Organic searches generate listings on the search engines’ pages that appear due to factors such as a search term’s relevance and valid search engine optimization efforts (Agarwal et al., 2012). The company will consider four metrics when conducting the organic search review. The first metric will be the percentage of leads coming from organic search. The second metric will be the number of new customers acquired via organic search related to the campaign. The third metric will be the percentage of leads arising from branded keywords. The fourth metric will be the percentage of leads arising from other terms that can be connected to the campaign, such as the elderly mortality rate. The third strategy will be social media search. The company will assess the number of new customers acquired from social media platforms. The company will also access the turnout of elderly people to receive the free masks and sanitizers and express interest in accessing the free rides to the vaccination centers. An increase in the number of elderly participating in the campaign throughout the week will demonstrate that the campaign is successful. An increase in the number of volunteers willing to participate in the vaccination arrangement will also demonstrate that the company has been successful.


Agarwal, A., Hosanagar, K., & Smith, M. D. (2012). Sponsored search: How organic results impact sponsored search advertising performance. SSRN Electronic Journal.

French, J. (2017). Key principles, concepts, and techniques of social marketing. Oxford Medicine Online.

Krause, A. E. (2020). The role and impact of radio listening practices in older adults’ everyday lives. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Ongun, E., Guder, F. Z., & Demirag, A. (2016). Elderly people’s choice of media and their perceived state of loneliness. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(1).


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Marketing Campaign - I Choose Life Campaign

Marketing Campaign – I Choose Life Campaign

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a campaign to promote a special event for a familiar local company. Create a campaign (1,500-2,000 words) for a familiar event. Brainstorm to identify campaigns that would be practical for the requirements of this assignment.

This campaign could be a one-day event, a weekend event, or a weeklong event. Be specific on the details, including timeline, location, promotion, and budget for the event. Address the target audience, the appropriate advertisement strategies, and how you plan to integrate marketing communications across platforms for a consistent message. If you believe this company could improve by better consumer research and analysis of buying behavior, recommend where improvement is needed and explain your position. Be sure to include traditional media choices that will hit the target audience, and also consider Internet and digital marketing.

Identify the theme of your event: Will it involve product promotion, cause-related marketing, crisis management, community outreach, demonstration of corporate social responsibility, or simply the promotion of goodwill for the company? What ideas do you have for how this event can benefit humanity for the greater good?

Lastly, indicate how you will measure and evaluate the success of the campaign.

A minimum of three resources must be included to support your research.