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Market Simulation – Marketing Plan

Market Simulation – Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

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The purpose of this paper is to create a marketing plan for our team’s business. The marketing plan highlights the necessary steps that should be used to ensure that the forecasted sales are achieved. The marketing plan for each of the three products is considered, and how it is applied in the five markets selected. Specifically, the plan reviews the previous year’s financial and market performance, current market situation, strategy for the next fiscal period, financial projections, and a tactical plan.

Financial and Market Performance Review

The previous financial and market performance of the business was not good. Notably, this is so because the three brands were new in the market. Further, the marketing efforts undertaken by the business were not successful due to budget constraints. However, since it was the first year of entering the market, the low performance is justified. It forms the basis for year two estimates that run from quarters 5 to 8.

Current Market Situation Assessment

The company’s three brands are offered in five different markets: Paris, Beijing, New York, Tokyo, and London. The markets have different characteristics, which explain the difference in pricing for each market. However, Brand A performs better in Beijing than in other markets. Brands B and C perform better in New York as compared to the other markets. Notably, this offers insight into which significant marketing efforts should be directed for each brand. Currently, the business is in a better position to pursue its marketing objectives by utilizing the profits from last year. Further, since evaluation is being done quarterly, it will be easier to make strategy amendments to the current plan before anything goes out of hand. The following table offers insight into various market aspects.

Particular Description
Customers Customers served by the business have different tastes and preferences that are considered in market segmentation. Each customer segment is given specific attention in terms of marketing and pricing.
Competitors The current market landscape is highly competitive. There are many market participants due to freedom of entry and exit. However, our business pays attention to product differentiation and competitive pricing to cope with market competition.
Strengths and weaknesses Strengths

1.      Strong market presence

2.      Focused leadership

3.      Affordable product prices


1.      High competition

2.      Financial constraints

Opportunities/Problems The continued population increase in the targeted markets offers an opportunity for more sales going into the future. However, mechanisms to cope with competitive threats will be necessary.

Marketing Strategy for the Next Year

The marketing strategy for Brand A will entail a multi-channel advertising strategy. The prices of the brand will be communicated in the advertisement and attracted consumers will place their orders. For Brand B, social media marketing will be adopted. Notably, this will entail creating social media sites for the product upon which orders for the product will be received at the quoted prices. Lastly, Brand C will be sold through a multi-channel approach. However,

social media influencers will be relied upon more than others, with most being contacted

to promote the product. A commission will be paid to them on all orders received through them.

Pro Forma Financial Projections

Tactical Plan

The tactical plan for each market will be developed on an ad hoc basis. Notably, this is done by creating a plan that responds to prevailing circumstances in the market (Ingram et al., 2019). However, the start of quarter five will require more sales staff for Brand A in Beijing, followed by New York, while the other three will have a similar number of staff members. Going into quarter 7, one branch of the business will be opened for every market. Notably, this is so because projections indicate that more sales will be made from that quarter, which will require more support staff. The same will be repeated after quarter eight if the projections made are achieved. Increasing staff adds to the expenses of the company in terms of the cost of goods sold and operating expenses. However, when compared with the generated profits, the expenses are worth incurring.

City Brand Quarter 5 Quarter 6 Quarter 7 Quarter 8
Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast
London Brand X 50  $        995  $          49,750 70  $          975  $             68,250 105  $           965  $            101,325 135  $          965  $               130,275
Brand Y 260  $        675  $        175,500 255  $          699  $           178,245 240  $           699  $            167,760 210  $          699  $               146,790
Paris Brand X 70  $        980  $          68,600 130  $      1,095  $           142,350 165  $        1,125  $            185,625 205  $      1,149  $               235,545
Brand Y 210  $        650  $        136,500 260  $          629  $           163,540 330  $           599  $            197,670 405  $          599  $               242,595
Brand Z 150  $      1,299  $           194,850 175  $        1,349  $            236,075 210  $      1,399  $               293,790
Total Sales  $        430,350  $           747,235  $            888,455  $           1,048,995
City Brand Quarter 5 Quarter 6 Quarter 7 Quarter 8
Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast Demand units Price Sales Forecast Estimated Units Sold Price Sales Forecast Demand Units Price Sales Forecast
Paris Brand A 100 $500 $50,000 110 $500.00 $55,000.00 133.00 $550.00 $73,150.00 140 $600.00 $84,000.00
Brand B 200 $785 $157,000 220 $785.00 $172,700.00 265.00 $863.50 $228,827.50 280 $942.00 $263,760.00
Brand C 170 $1,050 $178,500 187 $1,050.00 $196,350.00 224.00 $1,155.00 $258,720.00 238 $1,260.00 $299,880.00
Beijing Brand A 150 $495 $74,250 165 $495.00 $81,675.00 199.00 $544.50 $108,355.50 210 $594.00 $124,740.00
Brand B 260 $750 $195,000 286 $750.00 $214,500.00 345.00 $825.00 $284,625.00 364 $900.00 $327,600.00
Brand C 200 $1,030 $206,000 220 $1,030.00 $226,600.00 265.00 $1,133.00 $300,245.00 280 $1,236.00 $346,080.00
New York Brand A 140 $505 $70,700 154 $505.00 $77,770.00 185.00 $555.50 $102,767.50 196 $606.00 $118,776.00
Brand B 250 $790 $197,500 275 $790.00 $217,250.00 330.00 $869.00 $286,770.00 350 $948.00 $331,800.00
Brand c 210 $1,060 $222,600 231 $1,060.00 $244,860.00 278.00 $1,166.00 $324,148.00 294 $1,272.00 $373,968.00
Tokyo Brand A 90 $495 $44,550 99 $495.00 $49,005.00 120.00 $544.50 $65,340.00 126 $594.00 $74,844.00
Brand B 170 $750 $127,500 187 $750.00 $140,250.00 198.00 $825.00 $163,350.00 238 $900.00 $214,200.00
Brand C 180 $1,040 $187,200 198 $1,040.00 $205,920.00 240.00 $1,144.00 $274,560.00 252 $1,248.00 $314,496.00
London Brand A 130 $510 $66,300 143 $510.00 $72,930.00 173.00 $561.00 $97,053.00 182 $612.00 $111,384.00
Brand B 190 $785 $149,150 209 $785.00 $164,065.00 251.00 $863.50 $216,738.50 266 $942.00 $250,572.00
Brand C 190 $1,050 $199,500 209 $1,050.00 $219,450.00 251.00 $1,155.00 $289,905.00 266 $1,260.00 $335,160.00
Total Sales $2,125,750 $2,338,325.00 $3,074,555.00 $3,571,260.00
Cost of Goods Sold $850,300.0 $935,330.00 $1,229,822.00 $1,428,504.00
Gross Profit $1,275,450.0 $1,402,995.00 $1,844,733.00 $2,142,756.00
Operating Expenses $637,725.0 $701,497.50 $922,366.50 $1,071,378.00
Net profit $637,725.0 $701,497.50 $922,366.50 $1,071,378.00
Cumulative net profit $637,725.0 $1,339,222.50 $2,261,589.00 $3,332,967.00


Ingram, T. N., LaForge, R. W., Avila, R. A., Schwepker Jr, C. H., & Williams, M. R. (2019). Sales management: Analysis and decision making. Routledge.


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Market Simulation - Marketing Plan

Market Simulation – Marketing Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to create a marketing plan.

As your team continues to proceed through each quarter of the Marketplace Simulation, it is essential to prepare an outline for your marketing plan. In a 500-750-word document, include the following:

Executive Summary

Review of Financial and Market Performance During Previous Year

Assessment of Current Situation and the Market

Create a table that represents the items listed below:

Company’s strengths and weaknesses
Major problems/opportunities to be addressed in the following year
Marketing Strategy for the Next Year in the Business (What will it take to get ahead or stay ahead?)

Brand strategy
Pricing strategy
Advertising strategy
Sales channel
Pro Forma Financial Projections (Excel spreadsheet for Quarters 1-8)

Copy the pro forma in the simulation for Quarters 1-4 into Excel and add information/data for Quarters 5-8.
Tactical Plan (Quarters 1-8)

The tactical plan should articulate what is planned for each quarter. For example, Q6-open three offices in Paris, London, and New York. Each office will staff five employees, one service, and four sales personnel, with two sales staff for priority 1 and 2 target markets, at a determined cost. The reader should then be able to see the cost entry on the pro forma. Every planned expenditure shown on the pro forma should include an explanation of the tactical plan. Revenue should reflect the projected number of units, the price of each, and the cost of goods sold.

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