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Market Analysis and Strategy

Market Analysis and Strategy

Market Analysis

A quantitative and qualitative market study is referred to as a market analysis. The market size, different market segments, consumer purchasing behaviors, competition, and the economy are all examined. Conducting a market analysis might provide helpful information about a competitor. If you’re establishing a firm, want to explore your present market, or want to look at new markets, a market study will help you uncover and decide the potential and problems of that market. Based on a market analysis, management will design realistic marketing plans and successfully implement the business concept.

If management wants its business strategy to be successful, it must do a market study. A detailed market analysis is used to develop a marketing plan and specific marketing initiatives. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Other reasons to do a market analysis include:

  1. Management can use market analysis to back up your business concept with statistics, data, and facts, resulting in a persuasive business strategy.
  2. Management would be able to recognize demand possibilities sooner rather than later and avoid making poor decisions.
  3. Management could identify any existing information gaps and rapidly fill them in.
  4. A market analysis will show you which items are similar to yours already on the market.
  5. A business study may be used by management to estimate the market penetration barrier and market attractiveness.

The market analysis’ content and structure— Successful market analysis requires an accurate combination of the target market and thorough market research. It provides a complete picture of a market. Each of the five sections of a market analysis acquires and analyzes data.

Target Market

The target market is the end-user to whom the company seeks to sell its finished product. Target marketing means segmenting the market into multiple segments and devising marketing strategies for each piece to grow market share. Target marketing is a marketing strategy that allows advertisers to divide the market into tiny groups of people with similar interests.

Target Marketing’s Foundation

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Place of residence
  • Need
  • Occupation

Target Marketing’s Importance- Businesses can use similar tactics to sell their products to a specific market.

They might adopt a more targeted strategy when it comes to target marketing. They have an excellent grasp of their clients and can communicate with them effectively. The company must first identify the people who make up a specific segment. Keeping a male and a female in the same region is impossible. The first and most crucial step is to identify a target market. The next step is to assess the needs and preferences of the target market. It’s critical to determine what the target market wants from the product. Businesses can pick from various marketing tactics to advertise their product once the target market has been identified.

Industry analysis is a tool that aids a company’s understanding of its position concerning other firms that produce similar items or provide similar services. Understanding the factors in the broader industry is necessary for successful strategic planning. A commercial organization or a single person conducts an industry evaluation. An entrepreneur must be aware of the elements that influence the industry in which they have already invested or are considering investing. Market research informs business owners about their firm’s various possibilities and hazards, allowing them to take action to mitigate them and gain a competitive advantage.

Industry Analysis

Industry analysis is gathering data and information, analyzing and evaluating it, and establishing a strategic strategy for business success.

Below is a list of reasons why industry analysis is necessary.

1. Retaining existing clients who are valued.

2. Obtaining new clients

3. Business long-term viability –

4. Making strategy a part of the culture-

5. Star performers-Analysis of the industry will assist you in figuring out what talents and knowledge your organization requires to progress. This way, you can keep the staff suitable for your organization.

It also makes hiring people with the appropriate talents from outside the organization easier if you don’t already have them on staff.

The following are examples of industry analyses:

1. Forces of Competition Porter’s Five Forces Model 2. Calculation of ratios 3. Analyze of Broad Factors 4. Analysis of the SWOT

SWOTT Analysis

SWOT Analysis — A report that identifies an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and hazards.

Internal Factors -Strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) are terms used to describe internal variables such as the resources and knowledge that are readily available to you (W).

The following are some of the most widely considered internal factors:

  • Monetary resources (funding, sources of income, and investment opportunities)
  • Physical resources are limited (location, facilities, and equipment)
  • Human resources (employees, volunteers, and target audiences)
  • Natural resources, trademarks, patents, and copyrights
  • Currently in use procedures (employee programs, department hierarchies, and software systems)

External forces have an impact on any business, organization, or individual. Each of these factors, whether they are directly or indirectly linked to an opportunity (O) or a hazard (H), must be noted and recorded (T).

External factors are aspects that a firm does not have control over, such as:

  • Market developments (new products, technology advancements, and shifts in audience needs)
  • Current economic conditions (local, national, and international financial trends)
  • Investing (donations, legislature, and other sources)
  • Demographics
  • Suppliers’ and partners’ relationships
  • Regulations in politics, the environment, and the economy

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is a marketing phrase that refers to grouping or segmenting potential customers into groups or categories based on their needs and responses to a marketing action. Advertisers can focus on paying greater attention to client selection and have an acceptable marketing mix for each section or set of consumers with similar demands by segmenting the market. Each subdivision or segment can be assigned to a marketing mix as a market aim.

The following groups of market segmentation foundations can be roughly classified:

1. Segmentation depending on the needs of the customer

2. Segmentation based on product

3. Segmentation based on competition.

Market Segmentation Is Divided Into Four Levels— Market segmentation can occur on several levels. No segmentation (Mass Marketing), Segment Marketing or Niche Marketing, or Complete Segmentation (Segment Marketing or Niche Marketing) are all options available to businesses (Personalize Marketing).


Competition aims to increase sales, benefits, and market share among enterprises that supply identical goods and services. The four Ps are product, place, promotion, and price. We can deduce that market rivalry happens when two or more enterprises or organizations fight against one another to generate a profit utilizing various tactics.

Monopoly, oligopoly, and perfect competition are three types of market rivalry. Monopolistic Competition is a term that refers to a situation in which there is only one.

Market Strategy

Market Planning — A company’s total strategy for reaching out to potential customers and converting them into paying consumers for its goods or services is referred to as a marketing plan. Marketing requires a long-term strategy. A marketing strategy is a long-term plan that outlines a company’s marketing priorities and goals. A marketing strategy is a plan for profitably advertising a product or service. With the help of a great marketing strategy, businesses may identify their most significant customers. It also aids them in knowing customer requirements. With a great plan, including the most effective marketing methods is feasible.



A product is a tangible object or intangible service that purports to meet a specific consumer need or desire. Every product has a logical product life cycle, and marketers must be aware of and prepared for the various stages and problems that come with them. It’s critical to comprehend the challenges the product attempts to answer. The product’s benefits and all of its qualities must be understood, as well as the product’s unique selling proposition. Furthermore, the product’s potential customers must be identified and comprehended.


“promotion” refers to any strategies and procedures used to communicate about a brand. These include advertising, promotional campaigns, special agreements, and public relations. Whichever channel is utilized must be appropriate for the commodity, pricing, and end consumer.


Price is the amount a client should anticipate spending on a product. A commodity’s pricing has a direct impact on how well it sells. This has more to do with the customer’s opinion of the product’s value than with an objective costing of the goods on the market. Whether a commodity is priced higher or lower than its perceived worth, it will not sell.


Place relates to how the product will be delivered to the customer. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of dispersion in placement. The placement strategy will help you determine the best channel for your goods. Access to a product by end users must also be consistent with the rest of the product strategy.

Price Strategy

The process through which firms market their goods and services is called pricing strategy. Almost all firms, large and small, base their prices on production, labor, and advertising costs, then add a percentage to account for profit margins.

Customers’ desire to pay for an item may be much greater or lower than what a company would charge if it were only priced on quality. Discovering what buyers value in your product can enable a company to boost its pricing – or, on the other hand, it can indicate that a new product has little chance of success.

Consider the following pricing techniques:- Pricing strategy is a marketing decision. Thus, it should be based on customer feedback. It’s crucial to watch your competitors, but remember that they aren’t buying your product and could be making their pricing blunders.

Instead of competing with competitors on price, determine what your customers value and charge them accordingly.

Promotional Strategy

A promotional campaign aims to inform, persuade, or remind target audiences about the products. The promotional mix is a unique combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, social media, and e-commerce used to promote a product. Promotion is one of the four Ps of marketing. It’s all about figuring out how to communicate a product to a target audience effectively. Advertisements are designed to draw attention to your product, generate demand, and set it apart. As a result, the most essential part of marketing is advertising.

Email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, and referral marketing are all examples of promotional marketing strategies.

Sales Forecast

Sales forecasting anticipates how much goods or services a sales unit (an individual salesperson, a sales team, or an entire organization) can sell in the coming week, month, quarter, or year. Forecasting is predicting customer demand for goods and services over time. Put another way, it’s estimating revenues in a physical unit that a corporation expects over a given plan period.

Because the future is unknown and revenue forecasting is difficult, managers must look into the following elements that influence sales forecasting: The current economic situation, Consumer and competition demographics, and changes inside the company.

As a result, sales forecasting is the cornerstone of marketing, supporting management in determining client demands, tastes, aspirations, and sales data. It also helps in the research of potential business opportunities that are suitable for the company’s marketing efforts.


Barrett, C. B. (1996). Market analysis methods: are our enriched toolkits well suited to enlivened markets? American journal of agricultural economics, 78(3), 825-829.

Srivastava, R. K., Shervani, T. A., & Fahey, L. (1998). Market-based assets and shareholder value: A framework for analysis. Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 2-18.

Pehrsson, A. (2009). Barriers to entry and market strategy: a literature review and a proposed model. European Business Review.


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The marketing manager has heard about your skills in the previous sections of the business plan and would like your input for market analysis and market strategy.

Market Analysis and Strategy

Market Analysis and Strategy

Based on your research, write a brief analysis of each of the following items:

  1. Market Analysis
    1. Target Market
    2. Industry Analysis
    3. SWOTT Analysis
    4. Market Segmentation
    5. Competition
  2. Market Strategy
    1. Four Ps
    2. Price Strategy
    3. Promotional Strategy
    4. Sales Forecast