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Managing Internationally

Managing Internationally

International human resource management (IHRM) is a complex practice that often demands professionals to go the extra mile to acquire more dynamic skills to manage people more effectively. Effective human resource management (HRM) at an international level demands top-notch business management and leadership skills. These skills help the manager to address firm challenges, including but not limited to diversity and inclusion, international employee hiring laws and employee rights, developing competitive employee benefits packages and nurturing healthy workforce culture to minimize personnel management issues. Ideally, an international human resource manager should have outstanding human capital development skills to allow a focus on how the existing workforce can be developed, leveraged, and managed within the firm. This can be achieved by effective mentorship or training programs to incentivize employees to work in the firm, thus reducing employee turnover and hiring expenses (Sonya, n.d.). Additionally, international human resource management requires effective communication and interpersonal skills to help manage conflicts relating to culture and mentor employees in career development, among other human resource tasks at an international level. These skills also include speaking foreign languages where the firm operates.

While human resource practice demands similar skill sets, international and domestic human resource managers differ, mainly based on the context and work environment. Domestic HRM focuses on limited and domestic business challenges relating to diversity. However, while these may prove effective, IHRM demands managers to acquire advanced business management and leadership skills to tackle challenges such as internationally interacting cultures that must be integrated into the firm harmoniously. Thus, the required business skills for IHRM are meant to handle broader activities such as international taxation and employee relocation (Gulati, 2020). Additionally, while international and domestic HRM requires effective communication skills, domestic HRMs do not necessarily have to have foreign language familiarity since the workforce they deal with is within the boundaries. Other differences include heightened demand for human capital development skills for international HRM required to train or mentor selected employees to work at an international level. This set of skills is required for domestic HRM but is not highly demanded since such firms operate within the borders.


Gulati, S. (2020). Difference between Domestic and International HRM. Essays, Research Papers, and Articles on Business Management.

Sonya, K. (n.d.). Human Resource Management Skills: Key HR Skills and Competencies. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from


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**Identify three to five skills or abilities an HR professional should have in order to successfully manage an international workforce.

Managing Internationally

Managing Internationally

**Contrast the skills needed for domestic versus international workforces. In what ways do HR skills need to differ, and why?