Latest News - Management

Public Policy – Abortion Laws

Public Policy – Abortion Laws Ever since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision of 1973 (Ziegler 2017), America has not seen as many restrictive abortion policies enacted in a year as there...

Improving Effective Communication

Improving Effective Communication Points of Learning Gained From the Videos One of the points of learning gained from the video is defining the concept. In the video, The Art of Effective...

Public Sector Jobs vs Private Sector Jobs

Public Sector Jobs vs Private Sector Jobs Do you believe that public sector jobs should be paid and benefited more than, equal to, or less than comparable private-sector jobs, and why?  Public...

Student Success Story

Student Success Story Jeanine’s success story highlights several actions she took to improve her learning outcomes. When the students resumed school after being away for 20 years, they realized that...