Latest News - Literature

Los cerebros que se van y el corazón que se queda

Los cerebros que se van y el corazón que se queda Los cerebros de otras regiones se mueven en busca de mejores oportunidades, pero los cerebros de Puerto Rico no se van a pesar de ser mal pagados y...

The Pilgrim Travelers

The Pilgrim Travelers Chaucer’s “General Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales narrates the story of 29 pilgrims grotesquely and pleasantly. The 29 pilgrims are headed to Canterbury....

Un hogar solido

Un hogar solido ¿Cómo se trabaja el tema de una posible vida después de la muerte? ¿Qué significa la muerte en la vida de los personajes? El tema de una posible vida después de la muerte es sensible...

Themes from Confucius’ The Analects

Themes from Confucius’ The Analects Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who primarily emphasized the importance of personal ethics and morality. After his death, generations of his disciples...

Beowulf- Good and Evil

Beowulf- Good and Evil The concepts of good and evil are major in Beowulf and are the basis on which the poem is founded. Typically, the poem shows that good and evil prevail as total opposites. It...

The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis There are multiple theories of creation. Each theory is distinct, from the Big Bang theory to Christians’ God’s creation theory. Renditions of the creation theories or...