Leading Policy Change
Part One
The emission of dangerous gases in the atmosphere and the linked negative impacts have been subjects of debate for a long time. The coal plants have been mainly contributing to the poisonous emissions in the environment. The coal-fired plants tend to produce mercury, carbon dioxide, and additional emissions that could potentially damage people’s health. Following the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) report, from 2020 to 2021, the power plant’s emissions have upsurged, thus replicating a rise in coal-fired power production (GAO, 2022). Rallo et al. (2012) state that recently, several states have attempted to decrease harmful pollutant emissions, comprising specific trace rudiments, and mercury is regarded as the most vital element whose production should be stopped. This is because of its high poisonousness, tenacity, and prolonged life span in the atmosphere. Mercury is a coal plant’s product, along with carbon dioxide; thus, action should be taken towards the coal plants. The three possible solutions, in this case, comprise applying the carbon capture method, using renewable energy sources, and reusing and recycling.
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Recommended Solution
Replacing coal with a renewable energy source is an excellent approach to reducing the effect of power plant emissions. Notably, renewable energy sources constitute solar and wind. Another approach is carbon capture, whereby carbon dioxide is separated from the emissions and recovered in a concentrated watercourse. After this, the carbon dioxide is injected underground, where it undergoes sequestration or becomes permanently stored. Moreover, the reuse and recycling strategy could lessen the environmental impacts of coal use and production. As such, the recommended solution and policy revolve around using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Renewable gas will produce no greenhouse gas (Panwar et al., 2011) and minimize air pollution. The benefits of choosing this solution are that it will make a dependable power supply and preserve the state’s natural resources. Subsequently, coal plants will have to use renewable energy sources instead of coal. This will reduce carbon emissions and air pollution.
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Consistently, the recommended policy is based on the utilization of renewable energy sources. This could be turned into law to ensure that the coal plants observe it, and the plants that do not adhere to the requirement face consequences like closure. The first strategy in navigating political dynamics is mapping the political landscape. Typically, this comprises classifying the groups that could be potential promoters and supporters of the policy. These will give their reasons for support and the advantages of using the approach. The groups that are highly likely to be skeptical are identified, as well as those that may not be easily convinced. In these groups, the opinion leaders will have to be placed. The significant influences will have the skills, resources, and social networks necessitated to win over the minds and hearts of the larger crowds. The other strategy is comprehending the magnet and fear aspects. This will involve interviews with individuals from various groups and understanding varying points of view. Typically, mapping the magnet aspect constitutes the things that are more likely to excite people and pull them toward the change. On the other hand, fear aspects could lead to resistance in potential action phases in addressing them. The third strategy is engaging the skeptics by listening to their points of view and addressing their negative opinions on using renewable sources to replace coal.
In conclusion, the problem at hand pertains to coal plants’ high contribution to the poisonous emissions in the environment, and as such, action measures are required to curb the issue. In this case, some of the probable solutions encompass applying the carbon capture method, using renewable energy sources, and reusing and recycling. However, the best solution is to replace coal plants with renewable energy sources, and making a policy in line with the solution is vital. Typically, renewable energies will produce no greenhouse gases and also minimize air pollution. The benefits of choosing this solution are that it will deliver dependable power supplies, is basically cheap, and will reverse the state’s natural resources.
Part 2
Approaches to Policy Change
One approach to addressing policy change is establishing and sustaining personal contact with the policy makers or policy influencers. Personal relations are the key to efficacious policy change advocacy (Cerna, 2013). This also comprises connecting with opponents and opinion leaders. Another approach is pulsing the community. This helps comprehend the things that the community could support in the policy and those they could resist. Usually, the chances of success are higher when the policy change is set to take place in a manner that the community will be supportive of. Another approach is participation, which necessitates involving many individuals in the community in planning and implementation. Applying all the needed people in planning and implementation ensures ownership and more acceptance of the policy by the community.
Legislative Requirement
The initial phase comprises holding the ruling party conference to give the policy direction, where the policy is then debated and finalized. This is followed by passing this policy into law. After this, subordinate legislation and policy implementation take place.
Cerna, L. (2013). The nature of policy change and implementation: A review of different theoretical approaches. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report, 492-502.
GAO. (2022). Federal Government Efforts to Reduce Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants. U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO). https://www.gao.gov/
Panwar, N. L., Kaushik, S. C., & Kothari, S. (2011). Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: A review. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 15(3), 1513-1524.
Rallo, M., Lopez-Anton, M. A., Contreras, M. L., & Maroto-Valer, M. M. (2012). Mercury policy and regulations for coal-fired power plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(4), 1084-1096.
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You are a staff member of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A change in policy has been instituted. The change in emissions for coal plants will require action from you and your team. This assignment will have two parts. In the first part, you will create a brief that outlines actions that need to be taken by EPA to regulate the policy change. In the second part, you will reflect on different approaches and interpretations you can take in policy change.
Leading Policy Change
Part 1-
Create a policy brief. Recommend strategies to navigate the political dynamics of the new policy as it relates to the execution of the agency’s duties for your boss. The brief should be concise and follow the general structure of such a policy brief. At a minimum, your policy brief should contain the following:
• A title
• A summary of the problem
• At least three possible solutions to the problem
• Statement and explanation of your recommended solution with rationale
• The implications and benefits of the recommended policy
• Discussion of implementation of strategy and alternatives to navigate the political dynamics present in this situation.
• Brief conclusion
• At least three sources used to support claims
• Graphics and other visual elements so they reflect the formatting of a professional policy brief.
Part 2-
1. Discuss different approaches that can be taken when addressing this policy change.
2. Outline the legislative requirements that must be followed for the policy change. Including a discussion regarding regulations around the change. Is there wiggle room in the implementation and application of the policy?
Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.