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Leadership Skills Capstone

Leadership Skills Capstone


Effective leadership requires a specific set of skills that facilitate the development and sustenance of relationships with subordinates. According to Diaz & Mazuera (2014), the main factors that influence good leadership in an organization include emotional intelligence, the difference between a leader and a boss, the advantages of good leadership, the qualities of a good leader, and the objectives of leadership. Good leadership is also influenced by leadership style. Leadership characteristics, emotional attributes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors influence leadership styles. Therefore, leaders should focus on developing skills that improve their relationships with their subordinates. My leadership position has enlightened me on the leadership skills I should develop to improve my effectiveness. The summary below reviews the skills, growth objectives, skills development activities, the people who can help develop the skills, success indicators, and timeline.


One of the leadership skills I will improve is conflict management. Leadership in an organization requires solving conflicts among employees, between managers and employees, and among stakeholders such as investors, suppliers, and customers. Therefore, my main growth objective is to resolve conflicts effectively within the organization. I will meet this objective by identifying the main cause of conflict during conflict resolution and selecting an appropriate conflict resolution strategy. I will consult the HR manager on the effectiveness of the conflict resolution strategy based on the common conflicts in the organization. The main indicator of success in conflict management skills development will be a 20% decrease in conflicts within the organization. I intend to resolve current conflicts within one week after the conflict emerges and develop an effective conflict management plan within two weeks.

The second leadership skill that I will develop is change management. My growth objective is to reduce resistance to change. The main activities in developing my change management skills will include identifying the causes of resistance and motivating employees to promote change acceptance. I will use the HR manager and first-line managers to identify the causes of resistance and effective preventive measures. Success will be measured based on the level of change acceptance. The main success indicator will be an 80% change acceptance within the organization. I intend to eliminate resistance to change within the first week of the change implementation process.

Effective change management includes managing employee expectations throughout the change implementation process. Therefore, I will focus on improving my expectations identification skills. The general objective is to understand employees’ expectations and the best approach to meet them. I will distribute employee surveys to determine what they expect from the organization and align employee expectations with the organization’s policies and procedures. I will consult first-line managers and the HR manager to understand employee expectations. The main success indicators will include a 90% reduction in employee turnover and a 20% increase in employees acknowledging that they are satisfied with the work environment. I expect to complete the employee expectations survey within one week.

The fourth skill that I will develop is performance assessment. The general objective is to identify performance changes among employees effectively. I will create a performance assessment approach and performance management plan with the help of the HR manager and first-line managers. The success indicator will be an 80% increase in employee performance. I will create and test the performance management plan within the first month. I will also develop my communication skills to communicate successfully. The general objective is to improve communication clarity. I will create a survey to get employee feedback on the current communication plan and create a new communication plan addressing the challenges in the existing ones through the help of the HR manager and first-line managers. The success factor will be a 90% reduction in communication-related complaints. I will complete the communication effectiveness survey within two weeks and create and test the new commutation plan within three weeks.


Diaz, L. R., & Mazuera, N. R. (2014). Leadership characteristics that shape the leadership style of leaders of financially sustainable social innovation projects. An exploratory study of the perceptions of project managers in the UK [Doctoral dissertation].


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This activity bridges the gap between talking about leadership and taking action to improve leadership skills. This is your opportunity to build a personal leadership development plan.

Leadership Skills Capstone

Leadership Skills Capstone


  1. Think about the leadership skills below and select five (5) you would like to improve upon:
    • Create a vision
    • Establish team values
    • Set norms
    • Identify expectations
    • Foster collaboration
    • Build trust
    • Conduct effective meetings
    • Develop decision-making skills
    • Manage conflict
    • Problem solve
    • Set goals
    • Plan effectively
    • Share information
    • Communicate successfully
    • Coach others
    • Train for competency
    • Provide constructive feedback
    • Manage change
    • Assess performance
    • Create effective teams
    • Develop executive communication
  2. With your five chosen skills, complete the following chart: Building a Leadership Development Plan.
  3. Compose a double-spaced essay in 400-500 words that presents your leadership development plan, including an introduction, summary, and Appendix. Include your completed Building a Leadership Development Plan chart as Appendix A at the end of your paper. The Appendix is not part of the 400-500 word requirement.