Leadership Models and Theories
Leadership models and theories describe the qualities necessary for effective leadership and provide guidelines on how leaders can effectively carry out their leadership roles. This article explores the correlation between effective leadership and healthcare organization performance. It also discusses the importance of good leadership from regulatory professionals, the concept of stewardship in servant leadership, and how the concept can be applied in serving diverse populations. Additionally, it will distinguish between informal and formal leadership and provide a leadership model or theory healthcare leaders can employ for effective healthcare leadership. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.
Correlation between effective leadership and organizational performance in health care
Just like in other industries and organizations, leadership is central to the performance of healthcare organizations. Organizational performance in healthcare organizations includes patient outcomes, staff experiences and satisfaction, and the organization’s financial outcomes and competitiveness in dynamic market settings. There exists a significant correlation between effective leadership and organizational performance in health care.
Firstly, effective leadership is a source of motivation for employees. Employees tend to be motivated to work or dissatisfied with their jobs based on the rewards and the leadership styles within the organization (Pancasila et al., 2020). Effective healthcare leaders ensure the healthcare staff feels valued and well rewarded. They also ensure adequate availability of work resources for the efficiency of the workers. They further develop strategic visions for their healthcare organizations and effectively communicate their vision to their subordinates. They also offer guidance on how to achieve the vision and get involved directly in the push towards achieving it. This motivates the members of the healthcare organization and improves their commitment to the achievement of the organization’s vision. Additionally, effective leaders invest in the development of their healthcare workforce and support a culture of innovation to navigate dynamic healthcare environments and maintain and improve their performance.
Importance of Regulatory Leadership in Health Care
Regulatory professionals are central in ensuring that healthcare processes, services, products, and health providers meet the set standards for operation and adhere to the existing regulations. This means that their decisions and behaviors impact the entire healthcare system. Regulatory leaders in healthcare help create a wider view of the healthcare industry and system (Bridges, 2019). As leadership exalts social influence and, hence a motivator for behavior, regulatory leadership must display good leadership practices to motivate healthcare operators and service providers to adhere to the set regulations and guidelines for ethical practice.
The major effective strategies for regulatory leadership include critical and strategic thinking and team leadership skills. Leaders require cross-functional and cross-disciplinary knowledge to support the inter-stakeholder relationships and interdisciplinary relationships that exist within the healthcare industry (Bridges, 2019). Critical thinking as a strategy for effective regulatory leadership enables regulatory leaders to question health problems, enable interdisciplinary research on the problems, the ability to interpret the data collected and communicate the findings. Team leadership skills enable regulatory leaders to create and communicate a vision for healthcare plans and base their critical thinking skills on deciding on the best implementation approaches for the vision. Both critical thinking and leadership strategies enable regulatory leaders to coordinate various actors across the healthcare system to work towards common health goals.
Relationship Between Stewardship and Christian Worldview and Application to Healthcare
Servant leadership from a Christian worldview involves an individual investing their life toward the well-being of others. Christians believe that God created the world and placed man as a caretaker; the concept of stewardship from servant-leadership focuses on providing care to others and nature with the idea that you are doing God’s work. This means that through stewardship, Christians view the service of others as service to God.
Stewardship can inform professional responsibility. Personal responsibility is among the components of servant leadership. Servant leaders focus on delivering their leadership roles based on a deeper concept of self and self-regulation driven by a genuine desire to serve others (Eva et al., 2019). Through the concept of stewardship, healthcare professionals get to authentically understand and appreciate their professional responsibilities and provide care services with the aim of achieving positive outcomes.
Healthcare providers who apply the concept of stewardship clearly understand their professional responsibility to provide care to all who need it, regardless of their racial or cultural background. Therefore, when applied in a healthcare setting serving diverse populations, the concept of stewardship enables healthcare providers to treat everyone as equals and avoid biased delivery of care. This is beneficial in improving equitable access to healthcare and eliminating health disparities. It can help health organizations meet health needs, hence patient satisfaction, impacting organizational performance.
Distinguish between informal and formal leadership.
Formal leadership has an official designation of leadership roles. On the other hand, Informal leadership is unofficially assumed when an individual within a group takes on the leadership roles without specific designation of official roles or titles. Informal leadership grows from personal relationships, connections, and a group’s trust in the individual’s capacity to lead them effectively. This means that informal leaders have a stronger personal and authentic influence on people than formal leaders. Based on these personal relationships in informal leadership, informal leaders motivate the full and active involvement of all team members, from setting goals to working to meet the expected performance levels of the teams (Lawson & Fleshman, 2020). This has a positive impact on healthcare organizations as it can improve the efficiency of care delivery and organizational performance.
Overview of Leadership Model for Effective Health Care Leadership
The healthcare market has grown more dynamic with various unexpected changes. An effective leadership model that healthcare leaders can employ to manage healthcare organizations during times of unexpected, planned, and unplanned changes is the transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership is focused on effecting and managing change from the individual level to the entire social system. This model of leadership has four factors that support effective change management. These include influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration.
The transformational leadership model seeks to positively transform every individual within a social system from being followers to becoming leaders at their own level. This means that applying a transformational leadership style will transform everyone to bear responsibility for the outcomes of an organization, making them more effective and innovative. This, in turn, makes them become more involved in the running of the healthcare organization, thus becoming more productive. Transformational leadership style is linked to improved employee trust in the leadership and the development of championing behaviors among the employees during organizational change (Islam et al., 2021).
Leadership as a process involves influencing other people to maximize their efforts and drive to achieve a set goal or objective. Regardless of the model and leadership theories that leaders adopt, the motive of all leadership models is to motivate the right behaviors and attitudes to deal with a certain situation and achieve positive results. The transformational leadership style is the most effective leadership style for leading and managing healthcare organizations based on the dynamic nature of healthcare markets.
Bridges, W. (2019). The Creation of a Competent Global Regulatory Workforce. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10, 181. https://doi.org/10.3389/FPHAR.2019.00181/FULL
Eva, N., Robin, M., Sendjaya, S., van Dierendonck, D., & Liden, R. C. (2019). Servant Leadership: A systematic review and call for future research. Leadership Quarterly, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2018.07.004
Islam, M. N., Furuoka, F., & Idris, A. (2021). Mapping the relationship between transformational leadership, trust in leadership, and employee championing behavior during organizational change. Asia Pacific Management Review, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmrv.2020.09.002
Lawson, D., & Fleshman, J. W. (2020). Informal Leadership in Health Care. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 33(4). https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1709439
Pancasila, I., Haryono, S., & Sulistyo, B. A. (2020). Effects of Work Motivation and Leadership toward Work Satisfaction and Employee Performance: Evidence from Indonesia. Undefined, 7(6), 387–397. https://doi.org/10.13106/JAFEB.2020.VOL7.NO6.387
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Assessment Description
Leadership models and theories help define approaches for creating effective behaviors within specific situations or environments. Examine contemporary leadership models and theories, and in a 1,000-1,250-word paper, explain why these models or theories are effective tools for leaders who serve in healthcare organizations. Include the following:
- Discuss the correlation between effective leadership and organizational performance in health care.
- Discuss why it is important for regulatory professionals to practice good leadership. Outline effective strategies for regulatory leadership and explain why these are essential in health care.
- Describe how the concept of stewardship from servant leadership relates to a Christian worldview. Explain how stewardship relates to professional responsibility, how it can be applied in a healthcare setting that serves diverse populations, and the potential benefits for stakeholders and the organization overall.
- Distinguish between informal and formal leadership. Explain how informal leaders influence others and how this impacts a healthcare organization.
- Select one additional theory or model that you think would be effective for a healthcare leader to employ. Provide an overview of the model or theory and explain the effective aspects and why.
A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.