Leadership Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice
Strong leaders in health care are required to establish organizational goals and to inspire and motivate employees to achieve those goals. Effective leaders value core leadership competencies such as self-mastery, interpersonal effectiveness, human resource management, financial management, systems thinking, and self-care (Schub & Balderrama, 2017). This reflection on leadership competencies will provide nurses with insight into both areas of strength and areas for improvement, as well as specific examples of competencies’ implications for the nurse manager role.
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The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) has developed competencies for nurse managers that demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that nursing leaders can use to guide their practice. According to the AONL, to be a successful leader, one must be an expert in all three areas: the science of managing a business, the art of leading people, and the leader within (AONL, 2015). As a future nurse manager with no prior management experience, I believe that having appropriate clinical knowledge, relationship management, and influencing behaviours are key areas of my strength. Every healthcare organization has its own set of clinical skills requirements for managers. A qualified person with experience in their work field has an advantage over an inexperienced person who does not understand the role of the employees who report to them. An effective leader must be able to prioritize and identify issues that must be addressed immediately to manage workplace situations. They must also remain calm in crises and lead their team through them as needed (AONL, 2015). Science, including financial and human resource management, is one of the competencies with room for growth and improvement. According to AONL (2015), the nurse manager is responsible for developing and managing her assigned area’s budget and must be able to explain any variances. A leader must also understand how reimbursement affects revenue and finances affect quality patient outcomes. The manager is crucial in selecting staff for their unit and must choose and hire the best candidate for the job. They also manage staff performance by completing performance appraisals, disciplinary actions, and, if necessary, termination. A new nurse in a leadership position may feel uneasy performing these functions initially, but they should become competent with time.
Leadership skills have immediate implications for advanced nursing practice. The Nurse Executive speciality track is the MSN track in which I am enrolled. The knowledge I receive from this course greatly benefits my future role as Administrative Nurse Manager. As previously stated, appropriate clinical knowledge is a skill that any successful leader should possess. The nurse manager of the cardiac catheterization lab where I work is expected to act as the fourth nurse and to be fully competent and trained in nursing. I’ve worked in this lab for over three years and have mastered the necessary clinical skills. This experience makes for a valuable resource for current and future staff. According to Schub and Balderrama (2017), a leader must have the clinical expertise to build a high-functioning organization and to lead and function in an administrative role. Financial stability in the cath lab is critical, and the nursing manager is responsible for achieving it. The cardiac cath lab is a procedural area well-known for being one of the hospital’s top revenue generators. Financial stability in the cath lab is critical, and the nursing manager is responsible for achieving it. By effectively managing staff, quality patient care, outcomes, and patient satisfaction improve, positively impacting the lab’s financial performance (Pandit & Tambe, 2019).
The AONL has developed core competencies for nurse leaders to create and achieve goals for their organization. My key personal strengths are appropriate clinical knowledge, relationship management, and the ability to influence behaviours. Financial management and human resource management are two areas that could be improved. After further research, I am confident I can use and apply these competencies in my future role as a nurse manager. I believe a team is only as strong as its leader, and I will strive to create an honest, open, and trustworthy working environment for my team to excel.
Other Related Post: https://eminencenursingpapers.com/clas-standards/
American Organization for Nursing Leadership. (2015). AONL nurse manager competencies. https://www.aonl.org/resources/nurse-leader-competencies
Pandit, B. A. P., & Tambe, H. (2019). A Study of Financial Counselling and Estimation of Variance between Estimated Bill and Actual Bill of Cardiac Cath Lab. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(3), 1-8. https://10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00447.9
Schub, E,RN, BSN, & Balderrama, D,RN, MSCIS. (2017). Effective Nursing Leadership: Performing. CINAHL Nursing Guide,
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TOPIC: Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix
This project has 2 parts. This is part 1.
Please complete the assignment by completing the DNP-840A Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix Form.
Leadership Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice
Please use the other attached documents to complete the Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix.
Title of Project: Impact on the Number of Depression screenings and Referrals to a child psychologist.
Assessment Description
The DNP comprehensive assessment allows learners to demonstrate their achievement of core and speciality DNP competencies. It is also an appraisal of learners’ ability to integrate and synthesize knowledge within the context of their scholarly and practical interests and their readiness to complete the DPI Project. The two-part comprehensive assessment includes an evaluation of work completed throughout the program and a final synthesis and self-reflection demonstrating the achievement of programmatic outcomes. In Part One of the assessment, learners must collect and review coursework deliverables and practice immersion hours completed in the program thus far. In Part Two, learners must synthesize and reflect on their learning and prioritize work for their DPI Projects.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure the successful completion of the assignment:
- Doctoral learners are required to use the APA style for their writing assignments.
- You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite to verify the similarity score & plagiarism.
To complete Part One of the DNP Comprehensive Assessment:
Use the “Comprehensive Assessment Part One: Competency Matrix” (ATTACHED) to collect evidence from your completed program coursework to demonstrate how you have met selected competencies of the DNP program. Coursework to review includes:
Programmatic :
- Reflective Journals
- Case Reports
- Scholarly Activities (DNP 810A, DNP-830A, and DNP-840A)
- 10 Strategic Points (DNP-820A)
- DPI Project Draft Prospectus (DNP-830A)
- Literature Review (DNP-830)
- Course-based assignments from prior courses (DNP-805A through DNP-840A) are eligible for practice immersion hours.
As you complete the matrix, select key, specific evidence from your coursework and briefly summarize (no more than one or two sentences) how the selected assignments demonstrate your achievement of program competencies. As you review your work, review your instructor’s feedback regarding areas that may have been weak or lacking or where points were not fully addressed or supported in your submission. You will need this information for a discussion question in Topic 4.
Your completed matrix will provide a “road map” to focus on and direct you in completing Comprehensive Assessment Part Two. Before you begin Part Two, note any “blank spaces” in the matrix; these spaces indicate competencies left unmet by your coursework to date. You will need this information for a discussion question as well.