Latest News - Law

Discussion – Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Discussion – Sarbanes-Oxley Act Question 1: If Shuebke’s review was conducted in good faith and conformed to generally accepted accounting principles, could Superior hold Shuebke Delgado...

Discussion and Debate – Insider Trading

Discussion and Debate – Insider Trading Question 1: Would registration with the SEC be required for Dakota Gasworks securities? Why or why not? No, the registration of Dakota gas works on the...

Discussion and Debate – Respondeat Superior

Discussion and Debate – Respondeat Superior Under what doctrine discussed in this chapter might Buy-Mart be held liable for the tort committed by Watts? Respondeat Superior is a doctrine that...

Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State The separation of church and state is a jurisprudential and philosophic concept that defines a political distance in the state and religious organizations’...