Journey to Parenthood- Reflecting on the Birth Experience
I was born via Caesarean Section. My mother had a previous surgery to remove a fibroid and was advised to get children as soon as possible. At that time, she was pursuing her Master’s degree and wanted to start a family after graduating. However, she and my father had to reschedule their plans. I was delivered at 09:27 am on a Sunday. My father was not allowed in the operating room, but as soon as I was cleaned up, they allowed him to come in and have a look at me. The physician used local anesthesia to the lower spine for the surgery to take place. My mother said that she was psychologically and emotionally ready to have me via CS. Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.
Immediately after I was born, my mother was allowed to hold me before the nurses cut the cord; her first reaction was to cry. She said that she was s relieved to see me after a ‘long journey’ of 39 weeks. My parents had an ultrasound scan when I was 4 months old and knew that I would be female. They chose the names they gave me within a week or so after the ultrasound results. She stayed at the hospital for an additional three days, during which time the nurses educated her on how to care for the newborn and how to care for herself for the next six months as she recovered.
The first weeks at home were not a major struggle for my parents because my grandmother moved in to help out with the newborn. My other grandmother came to check on her daughter (my mother) every single day for four months. They had arranged for my paternal grandmother to help care for the baby while my maternal grandmother helped care for my mother. Cooking and cleaning were done mostly by my grandmothers and a house cleaner who came in once a week. My father did the laundry and shopping. My mother’s job was to eat and breastfeed the new baby. I am truly grateful for my family for coming in and helping out; nowadays, it is difficult to find such kind of help because of the ever-busy daily schedules people live.
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You may (a) consult with your parents about your own birth, (b) interview a new parent about their birth experience, or (c) consider the birth of your own child(ren). Please discuss the following in a one-page paper:
Journey to Parenthood- Reflecting on the Birth Experience
1. Describe the events leading up to the delivery. Where did the delivery take place? Who was present? Was any medication used? Was the birth experience as you expected it to be?
2. What was your initial reaction to the newborn? How soon were you able to hold the baby? When did you name the child? If you stayed in a hospital, describe your experience after the birth.
3. What were the first weeks at home like? What problems did you experience? How was having a baby different than you expected? Describe a typical day at home during the first weeks after the baby was born.