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Journal Articles on Mnemonic Devices

Journal Articles on Mnemonic Devices

Article 1

In the article “Preserving Prospective Memory in Daily Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Mnemonic Strategy, Cognitive Training, External Memory Aid, and Combination Interventions,” Jones et al. (2021) review evidence from 73 studies on interventions for the preservation of prospective memory. Visualization and mental association techniques were found to be most effective in improving and preserving prospective memory performance. Cognitive training interventions such as repetition and rehearsal techniques were moderately effective, while external memory aids like reminders and calendars were also found to be effective but limited over time. The authors concluded that combining these interventions improves their efficiency and effectiveness in improving and preserving prospective memory performance. This paper has presented the application of various mnemonic devices in the development, retention, and recalling of memories well; thus, it relates to the course readings. Overall, the paper provides valuable insights into different interventions that can be applied in daily life regardless of age to improve and preserve prospective memory.

Article 2

The article “Enhancing Creativity: Using Visual Mnemonic Devices in the Teaching Process in Order to Develop Creativity in Students” by Cioca and Nerişanu (2020) discusses how visual mnemonic devices can be applied as tools for enhancing creativity in students. The authors note that visual mnemonic devices such as imagery, mind maps, and concept maps can help students visualize and organize information which can help them remember details. This can motivate students to think more creatively and become better at problem-solving. The article relates to the course as its shows how mnemonic devices can be applied in various contexts to improve learning, understanding, and creativity. With reference to further evidence presented by  Farrokh et al. (2021), use of visual mnemonic devices can effectively improve how students understand concepts and develop memories of such concepts hence making visual mnemonic devices effective strategies for teaching and learning.


Cioca, L. I., & Nerişanu, R. A. (2020). Enhancing Creativity: Using Visual Mnemonic Devices in the Teaching Process in Order to Develop Creativity in Students. Sustainability 2020, Vol. 12, Page 1985, 12(5), 1985.

Farrokh, P., Vaezi, H., & Ghadimi, H. (2021). Visual Mnemonic Technique : An Effective Learning Strategy. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 23, 7–32.

Jones, W. E., Benge, J. F., & Scullin, M. K. (2021). Preserving prospective memory in daily life: A systematic review and meta-analysis of mnemonic strategy, cognitive training, external memory aid, and combination interventions. Neuropsychology, 35(1), 123–140.


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Article Analysis
Using the South University Online Library, find two peer-reviewed journal articles on mnemonic devices. In your synopsis, you will include:

Journal Articles on Mnemonic Devices

Journal Articles on Mnemonic Devices

A summary of each of the journal articles
The main points discussed in each of the journal articles and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings
Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles

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