Latest News - IT management

Identity Management and Security Awareness

Identity Management and Security Awareness Identity management, sometimes called identity and access management, is one of the most fundamental processes that play an important role in reinforcing...

Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Continuity and Disaster Recovery Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Strategy for Creech Air Force Base Because of how much Creech Air Base depends on technology for most of its...

Active Directory

Active Directory The creation of users on computers where the users require access is a time-consuming activity that can be addressed by the use of Active Directory in the Always Fresh network. The...

Security Proposal

Security Proposal Since the system in question is a military base, the information that is collected and used, there must be considered as a very vital aspect of the business and must be protected...

IPv6 Internet Protocol

IPv6 Internet Protocol Compose an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic. IPv6 is the latest internet protocol taking over from IPv4 to solve...

Computer Fraud

Computer Fraud Describe what fraud is and how it could be conducted. Computer fraud entails using a computer to modify or gain access to electronic data or unlawfully obtaining access to a computer...