Interview on Cultural Humility and Competence
To be successful in any pursuit, we need chances to display our abilities and understanding. In reality, however, learning and engaging with others in a welcoming atmosphere that respects our varied viewpoints and opinions is why opportunities empower us to demonstrate our strengths. Respecting the client’s cultural traditions and customs is essential for cultural humility. Cultural humility is a constant process of self-critique and self-exploration that allows both partners to benefit from one another’s experiences (Danso, 2018). On the other hand, cultural competency may be learned and taught; it is typically considered a necessary and sufficient requirement for dealing with different customers.
Describe how you used the chosen model of culturally competent nursing care to develop interview questions.
I interviewed a 45-year-old male patient of Vietnam origin. Using the open-ended interview questions model, it was easier to understand the patient more broadly. Open-ended inquiries elicit more detailed responses from the patient, who is more likely to open up and explain their feelings and behaviors. When appropriate, nurses should ask open and closed questions. When nurses ask the right questions, they may learn more about their patients and create a stronger connection with them. Nurses must learn how to connect with individuals who speak various languages, have other values, and how cultures impact the patients they care for. Healthcare is getting more and more individualized. “People have greater alternatives on how to seek their health wellbeing, where to acquire their treatment, and with whom” (Stubbe, 2020).
Summarize the interview questions used and the answers received, and address the following:
With what culture does the person identify?
This patient identifies himself as an Asian.
How does this person define/perceive health and illness, and how is this affected by their culture?
According to this patient, good health is defined as the absence of physical illness. He did not believe that mental health plays a part in a person’s well-being. He described illness as the condition where one cannot perform their duties typically. Psychological problems are diagnosed and treated differently in Asian countries because of cultural impacts on health beliefs in the region. With the patient’s definition, it is clear that this culture does not view mental illness as a reality, and it is therefore considered taboo.
Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.
The patient says that he believes in making a healthy diet, doing exercises, and taking herbal medicines. Perhaps the Asian Diet is heart-healthy. Saturated fat is limited in Asian diets, while fiber is abundant, thanks to a focus on fresh produce, whole grains, and rice. These foods are considered heart-healthy by the medical profession since they help control cholesterol and blood pressure while also decreasing the risk of heart disease. Soup is a filling, nutrient-dense meal that may be consumed in a short period. There is no need to overdo it; only a half cup will trick. Because most Asian soups are cooked with bones and various veggies, even a small serving provides a significant amount of nutrition. Soups are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and they’re easy to digest. Another benefit of soup (and tea) is that it aids digestion because of the warmth of the liquid.
How have language and culture impacted Access to healthcare
The Asians believe that mental health is taboo. This makes people suffering from mental health shy off from seeking mental health, making the matter worse, and most mental diseases require to be treated early enough. Family and community influences, particularly in different nations, leave their mark on everyone, especially true for their religious views. Asians, for example, place a high value on their family. The family’s dignity and interests often take precedence over the individual’s. Knowing how to handle circumstances like these while offering health care is very beneficial in ensuring that patients get the best care possible (Stubbe, 2020).
Communication with the healthcare provider
Although this patient spoke English as his second language, it was not easier to understand one another. at times, and I had to use non-verbal cues to reinstate my message and create empathy and connection with the patient. The language barrier may result in death in the healthcare business if it is not addressed. Without sufficient techniques and linguistic solutions to enable successful communication, patients might lose the motivation to seek the treatment they need. Anxious patients make for easy prey for medical blunders; this anxiety is compounded when patients don’t understand their physicians. For a healthcare center to be welcoming, trustworthy, and welcoming to all its patients, its staff must be fluent in many languages.
Analyze the concept of cultural humility based on the information that you gathered in the Interview.
During this interview, I realized that cultural humility is essential when treating any patient. As a healthcare provider, one should be aware of how people’s culture might influence their health behaviors and utilize this information to build compassionate ways of treating patients (Greene-Moton, & Minkler, 2020).
Danso, R. (2018). Cultural competence and cultural humility: A critical reflection on key cultural diversity concepts. Journal of Social Work, 18(4), 410-430.
Greene-Moton, E., & Minkler, M. (2020). Cultural competence or cultural humility? Moving beyond the debate. Health promotion practice, 21(1), 142-145.
Stubbe, D. E. (2020). Practicing cultural competence and cultural humility in the care of diverse patients. Focus, 18(1), 49-51.
We’ll write everything from scratch
In this writing assignment, you will conduct an interview with a person from a culture different than your own, giving careful consideration to the concept of cultural humility.
Step 1 Choose a person to interview from a culture different than your own.
Cultural Humility and Competence
Step 2 Use your book or additional resources to research the cultural group’s health practices. Think of questions you want to ask. Select a model of culturally competent nursing care to guide the development of your questions.
Step 3 Conduct the interview (approximately 15-20 minutes). Be sure to gather information to address the areas in step 4.
Step 4 In a two-three page paper, address the following:
Describe how you used the chosen model of culturally competent nursing care to develop interview questions
Summarize the interview questions used and the answers received, and address the following:
With what culture does the person identify?
How does this person define/perceive health and illness, and how is this affected by his or her culture?
Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.
How has language and/or culture impacted:
Access to healthcare
Communication with health care professionals.
Analyze the concept of cultural humility based on the information that you gathered in the Interview.
Step 5 Save and submit your assignment.