Interrelationships among Theory, Practice, and Research
Almost everyone is aware of how important nurses are to the current healthcare section. The hard work demonstrated by the nurses is significantly important to people’s health, their families, and the whole community in general. Nevertheless, not everyone possesses what is required to be a complete nurse. A nurse who does not combine these three aspects; theory, practice, and Research, is not considered a nurse with experience. This implies that these aspects are very important in the nursing field, for they help them advance their career and performance.
In nursing, a theory is defined as an organized as well as systematic articulation of a set of statements that are associated with the questions in the nursing discipline. This is a very important aspect in the field of nursing, for they target describing, predicting, and explaining the nursing phenomenon. Also recognized as the nursing theories, they should offer the foundation of nursing practice, help to come up with further knowledge, and indicate in which direction nursing should develop in the coming future.
Practice is another significant aspect that nurses should put in place when performing their tasks. Nursing is a practice and requires specialized knowledge, skills, and independent decision-making because it is work that deals with people’s lives. Therefore, without practice, no nurse can be successful. Nurses should practice theories, for it will help them gain knowledge of the differences of what should form the basis of practice by significantly describing nursing.
Research is considered an important tool for the significant growth of a relevant body of knowledge required in nursing. Research provides information from investigations done in the field of nursing, and this helps the respective individuals to be able to define the unique role of nursing as a profession. When evaluating the nurses’ efficacy, it is of great importance to use Research because it is a practice that articulates the nurses’ roles when conveying health services (Tingen et al., 2009). Therefore, nurses should widely involve themselves in Research, for it allows them to make more effective decisions due to the fact that each nursing process phase is clarified via Research. In addition to nurses’ involvement in research, research also helps them gain knowledge concerning a certain nursing condition about which little information is known. It also helps them recognize the factors that must be put in place when planning nursing care.
From the above analysis, it can be agreed that there is a significant relationship between theory, practice, and Research. When performing the task of a nurse, all these aspects depend on each other. If nurses do not take all these aspects into consideration, they end up making the wrong decisions. These wrong decisions, in turn, affect the patients’ outcomes and even worsen their situation. For instance, a patient might be affected by a certain illness and then come to seek help from nurses who have not done Research on the illness. Therefore, they treat the patient with the wrong illness because they do have an idea of what the patient is suffering from. As a recommendation, in order to make the right decision, nurses should join all these aspects (theory, practice, and Research) for the significance of advancing in their career as well as producing excellent outcomes for a patient.
Tingen, M., Burnett, A., Murchison, R. & Zhu, H. (2009). The Importance of Nursing Research. J Nurs Educ 48(3), 167-170.
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Discuss the interrelationship among theory, practice, and research.
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Interrelationships among Theory, Practice, and Research
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