Interpersonal Communication-Communication is Irreversible
Among the four principles of interpersonal communication, the one I consider most important is that communication is irreversible (Singh, 2014). Essentially, this means that once words leave the mouth or a message is conveyed, there is no going back. Once the receiver has received the message, there is no taking it back. Therefore, if the words are hurtful, vile, or negative in any way, an apology will not erase what was said. This is because there is the common belief that one cannot just blurt out words without thinking; words are created in the mind and conceived in the heart, which means that whatever a person says, there is still some thought put into it. Therefore, an apology after conveying a negative message does not mean that the message was not meant. This is why one must think carefully before speaking out. I believe that every word carries weight, which is why this principle is the most important to me.
The principle of interpersonal communication I struggle with most is that interpersonal communication is considered complicated (Eganov et al., 2020). Today, the environments are more diverse than ever, characterized by diverse ethnicities, religions, sexualities, and gender identities. Although this is a great thing, diversity has its challenges. For example, perceptions of certain messages differ depending on one’s culture. While I could interpret a message one way, someone with a different culture may find it offensive. This creates tension when trying to communicate with other people because I do not want to say something that will be interpreted wrongly. As much as I wish that we all spoke the same language so that there would be less tension, this is impossible. Therefore, to help me improve on this principle, I take active steps towards becoming more cultured by learning more about other people. I watch foreign movies and documentaries, listen to diverse music, research emerging issues, interact with people from diverse backgrounds, and try to learn as much as I can about them while teaching them about my culture.
Eganov, A., Cherepov, E., Romanova, L., & Bykov, V. (2020). Interpersonal communication of students and mental health data. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(Suppl. 4), 2405-2408.
Singh, A. K. (2014). Role of interpersonal communication in organizational effectiveness. International Journal of Research in Management and Business Studies, 1(4), 36-39.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Learning is enhanced when you take time to reflect on the process. This week, you will have a Journal that asks you to address the content of the unit. Your reflection and writing will help with your understanding of the content covered.
Interpersonal Communication-Communication is Irreversible
In at least 200 words, please respond to the following:
Considering the principles of interpersonal communication, which of the principles is the most important to you and why?
Which of the principles of interpersonal communication do you struggle with the most and what are some ways you can improve on it?