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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is part of effective communication, the message and feedback transfer of information between a sender and receiver. This involves verbal and nonverbal communication, such as body language, gestures, and eye contact, and the success of the message is based on persuasive and credible communication. Persuasive communication is how the message is presented to support an idea, and credibility is how factual the message and sender regard whether interpersonal communication is a successful exchange.

The main barriers that prevent effective communication are noise, which interferes with the communication process and how well the message is received, and cross-cultural communication (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021).

Noise can be information filtering, poor communication channels, failure to read nonverbal cues and poor written or oral expression, and environmental and physical distractions. With information filtering, the message can be distorted to seem more in favor of the recipient, which can cause your message to be incredibly misunderstood. Poor communication channels are how the message is sent, either written or verbal; if the message is not written well or properly vocalized, then the meaning of the message could be lost or misinterpreted. If you fail to read the nonverbal cues that the messenger is giving, the message could be lost or not taken seriously, which can cause a communication barrier. The same goes for poor written or oral expression; if the message is not spoken or written clearly and precisely, the message can be misread, misunderstood, and ineffective. Lastly are distractions, whether you are trying to hear a person speaking while there are loud road noises or overwhelmed by the demands of your work while trying to focus on a meeting; either way, the message, and its importance can be lost to the receiver due to distractions (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021).

Another barrier is cross-cultural communication, which is communication between more than one culture. Not only can there be difficulty in multiple languages, which can cause the message to be misinterpreted or lose its importance because other cultures may prioritize differently, but nonverbal communication can also be a barrier (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). Other cultures use different forms of nonverbal communication, such as body language and gestures.

For example, the Japanese show respect by adding the word “sun” after their names and bowing to each other. In the US, this may not be understood, and when meeting a Japanese partner, they may be offended and disrespected because they were not greeted correctly. This is also why cultural etiquette should be taught and practiced when communicating in a diverse organization.


Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R.F., Schermerhorn, J. R. & Bachrach, D.G. (2021). MGT- 420 organizational behavior and management with WileyPLUS. Wiley &



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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication

What is interpersonal communication? Provide examples of the barriers that can prevent effective communication. Explain the differences between communication in organizational contexts and communication in relational contexts.