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Internet Systems Technologies Comparison

Internet Systems Technologies Comparison

Developing a website for the Healthy Harvest Online Store would require the use of some web development tools. There are several development tools; therefore, a comparison can be made for the popular ones before settling on one (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). The comparison is illustrated in table 1 below.

Python Java PHP JavaScript
Variables Type declared (Can change during runtime) Type declared Not type declared Type declared (Can change during runtime) Type declared
Error handling Supports exception handling Supports exception handling Provides error handling techniques Supports exception handling Provides error handling techniques
Operators Uses standardized operators Uses standardized operators Uses standardized operators Uses standardized operators Uses standardized operators
File management Uses functions Uses filewriter Can read and write on files Uses Nodejs Can read and write on files
Functions and methods Uses methods and output does not require a data type Uses methods and output requires a data type Uses methods and output does not require a data type Uses methods and output does not require a data type Uses methods and output requires a data type
Performance and speed Medium High Medium High Slow
Security High High Low Medium High
Classes Uses classes Uses classes Uses classes
Cost Open source Open source Open source Open source Open source
Cookies Support Support Support Support Support
Selection statements Uses indentation Uses encapsulation Uses encapsulation Uses encapsulation Uses encapsulation
Arrays Not based on data type (could be imported) Based on data types Not based on data type (could be imported) Not based on data type Based on data types
Common uses For large-size solutions For large-size solutions For medium-sized web solutions For large-size solutions For large-size solutions

Table 1: A comparison of web development tools.


Python uses assigned data type variables (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). However, the variables are dynamic and can change their data type even at runtime. A programmer has to define the exception to be handled because one exception block is not used to handle all exceptions. Operators used in Python are the standardized operators: arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bitwise, and logical. Python uses functions for file management. In Python, methods are not restricted to data types; therefore, any variable can be returned. Selection statements are arranged using indentation. Python is a high-security language; therefore, it has features that could protect it from hackers. Python is suitable for large-sized projects.


In Java, variables do not have flexible data types compared to Python and JavaScript (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). Therefore, a variable has to be assigned a data type directly. Like in Python, a programmer has to define each code that could lead to an exception because all exceptions are not handled in one block. Java uses standard operators, including arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bitwise, and logical. For file management, Java uses a filewriter. When creating methods in Java, a programmer must specify the data type to be returned. Selection statements in Java are encapsulated in curly brackets. Like Python, Java is a highly secure tool. Java is suitable for large-sized projects.


JavaScript does not require a programmer to directly declare a variable’s data type. Like in Python, the data type can change at any point. In JavaScript, a programmer does not have to define which exception is being handled, as all exceptions are handled in one block (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). Standard operators used in JavaScript are arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bitwise, and logical. JavaScript uses Node.js features for file management. Like Python, JavaScript methods are not restricted to data types; any variable can be returned. Like in Java, selection statements in JavaScript are encapsulated in curly brackets. JavaScript is less secure compared to Java and Python. JavaScript is suitable for large-sized projects.


Variables in PHP do not require data types to be declared (Odeh, 2019). PHP provides error-handling techniques where a program can specify the errors to be handled. Operators used in PHP are standardized. They include arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bitwise, and logic. Methods in PHP, unlike in Java, do not require the declaration of data types for the return output. PHP allows the reading and writing of files. In PHP, selection statements are encapsulated in curly brackets. PHP is open-source (Lei et al., 2014). Cookies are supported in PHP. PHP is suitable for medium-sized web projects.

Variables in require data types (Odeh, 2019). Arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bitwise, and logical standard operators are used in File management is supported in, where files can be read and written. Methods in do not require that a data type be assigned to produce a return. is open source, and it supports cookies. Selection statements in are encapsulated in curly brackets. has high-security features as compared to PHP and JavaScript. Unlike PHP, is suitable for large-sized projects. Compared to Java and JavaScript, has low speed and performance.

Summary: The Value of These Technologies to Healthy Harvest

The Healthy Harvest Store requires a web solution to take its operations online. Currently, the store does not handle large operations but might grow after some years. Therefore, a solution for a web development tool should consider scalability. Based on the comparison made of the five development tools, PHP is suitable for medium-sized solutions (Odeh, 2019). Accordingly, this means it could be a good solution for the Healthy Harvest Store at the moment, but it could limit scalability if the store transitioned into a large business.

Speed and performance for Python, PHP, and are lower compared to that of Java and JavaScript (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). The Healthy Harvest Online Store might not require high speed and performance for a start, but as its customer base expands, speed and performance would be vital. Customers do not appreciate slow e-commerce platforms. Therefore, Python, PHP, and would limit Healthy Harvest Online Store’s performance in the future.

Java has more security features than JavaScript and PHP (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). Low-security features on a web development tool would expose the Healthy Harvest Online Store to vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. In addition, when the number of customers using the online store increases, the possibility of cyber-attacks increases, too. and Python also have high-security features but are lacking in areas such as speed and performance.

In summary, the ideal web development tool for the Healthy Harvest Store would be Java. This choice is based on scalability, speed and performance, and security (Horntvedt & Åkesson, 2019). Java also scores highly in flexibility and ease of programming. It is open source like the other four web development tools discussed here; hence, no added cost for acquisition.


Horntvedt, R., & Åkesson, T. (2019). Java, Python, and Javascript, a comparison [Doctoral dissertation].

Lei, K., Ma, Y., & Tan, Z. (2014, December). Performance Comparison and Evaluation of Web Development Technologies in PHP, Python, and Node.js [Paper presentation]. 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Washington, DC.

Odeh, A. H. (2019). Analytical and Comparison Study of Main Web Programming Languages ‒ ASP and PHP. TEM Journal8(4), 1517-1522.


We’ll write everything from scratch


For Internet information systems developers, there are many programming and development options for building a mobile app. As part of the analysis and design process for your project with Healthy Harvest, you need to determine how to approach the technical build by researching and comparing the technology available. Python, JavaScript, Java, Scala, and Ruby are just a handful of the programming languages used, and as an IS consultant, you must narrow down the viable options.

Internet Systems Technologies Comparison

Internet Systems Technologies Comparison

Create a 3- to 4-page document or spreadsheet to compare specifications, pros, and cons of 5 systems development tools. Complete the following:

Research and identify 5 systems development tools suitable to develop the Healthy Harvest online store.
Compare 10 to 12 specifications and features of each tool that can support Healthy Harvest’s online store.

Write a 1-page summary that explains how these technologies can bring value to Healthy Harvest.

Tips for completing this assignment:

Review the grading rubric to begin organizing your assignment. It clearly defines expectations and is what your faculty member will use to grade your submission.
Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in this course.
Use the knowledge and skills you have learned in prior courses.
Ask your faculty member any questions you may have.

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.