Integrating Technology and Informatics in My DNP Scholarly Project – Impact, Stakeholders, and Challenges
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Hello, and welcome to my final project presentation. My DNP project aimed to explore and determine the impact of stigmatization on mental health-seeking behaviors among racial and minority groups regardless of other existing barriers to mental health access. The project also aimed to develop a solution to stigmatization and other barriers to mental health access and improve the health-seeking behaviors of individuals from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds.
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This is the outline of the presentation. First is an introduction to the DNP project, including settings, and then a definition of the project’s stakeholders, both primary and secondary stakeholders. The presentation will then discuss the chosen technology for the project and the benefits of the chosen technology. It will then present a SWOT analysis of the internal and external forces that could affect the DNP project, the cultural, ethical, financial, regulatory, and legal benefits and barriers that might occur as a result of the chosen technology, and finally, solutions to overcome the identified barriers.
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My DNP project focuses on and aims to understand how mental health stigmatization influences the health-seeking behaviors for mental healthcare services among racial and ethnic minority populations with the aim of improving mental health access and utilization of mental health services among these populations. My current nursing practice positions include working as a part-time nursing instructor at AIAM, collaborating in full curriculum development, planning for student learning materials and student assessments, and educating nursing students. Part-time nurse at OSU Medical Center DODD Hall and full-time Mental health nurse at Columbus Spring East, acting both as a nurse leader, administering medications, collaborating with physicians about their prognosis and treatment, gauging patients’ psychiatric states, and collaborating on psychiatric intervention plans.
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The DNP project addresses various aspects of mental including health-seeking behaviors, mental health utilization, and the current status of mental health access and outcomes, such as disparities in both access and outcomes with a focus on racial and ethnic minority groups. The basis of project is based on observations from practice, such as a significant mismatch between patients’ cultural views and mental health professional staffing, as well as evidence presented in past research. For instance, evidence by Ramos and Chavira (2022) and Cook et al. (2018) support limited and poor access to mental healthcare among racial and ethnic groups and mental health disparities on the basis of racial and ethnic background, respectively. Additionally, Misra et al. (2021) relate stigma as an issue influencing mental healthcare utilization among racial groups, with stigma being viewed as a product of racial and cultural views on mental health. Additionally, Eylem et al. (2020) argue that racially discriminative practices in healthcare systems contribute to mental health stigmatization and poor health-seeking behaviors among racial minorities.
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The project stakeholders are defined as either primary or secondary stakeholders. The primary stakeholders include the individuals who are directly involved in or directly impacted by the project. These include individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups within the local community, the current mental health practitioners in practice serving the Columbus community, the IT department at Columbus Spring East, and the local community organizations including social worker groups directly involved in promoting equitable mental healthcare within the community.
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The secondary stakeholders are individuals and organizations that support the project or will be indirectly involved in it, such as other healthcare professionals serving the local community, representatives of the federal and state governments, specifically policymakers accessible at the local level, funders of the DNP project, and the X (formerly Twitter) social media platform.
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The chosen technology for the project is an EHR-integrated Telepsychology/Psychiatry System. The technology includes the use of the current EHR capabilities, including communication features to provide routine mental healthcare and support therapy management. The technology was developed and implemented in collaboration with the IT department at the Columbus Spring East.
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The use of an EHR-supported telepsychology system is beneficial in that EHR systems are cost-effective as they eliminate costs related to access to healthcare services, such as transport costs (Hilty et al., 2023). Such systems also support immediate and recordable patient support, allowing more simplified remote engagements and interactions between patients and providers and acting as a point of reference for such interactions. Such features of the EHRs support remote access and provision of professional support for patients (Martin et al., 2020) with an impact on the efficiency of therapy management (Sun et al., 2021). EHR systems also support easy-to-access resources anywhere geographically, hence improving access to mental health information, which can lead to reduced stigma around mental health disorders among minority racial and ethnic groups.
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A SWOT analysis of the project from the perspectives of the chosen technology identifies a number of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the DNP project. Some major strengths of the project include the resource efficiency of using EHRs and the remote access and use of such systems, including integrated telepsychology services. Other strengths related to the use of the EHR-integrated Telepsychology/Psychiatry System include the capacity to provide real-time remote support to patients, a wider reach and access even in the most rural areas, and the support for real-time data analytics and reporting. However, the project has various weaknesses and threats, such as the digital divide, especially among racial and ethnic minorities who may lack user skills for the technology, and high initial costs of the systems, while threats include regulatory, compliance, cultural, and economic factors that threaten usage of such systems. Regardless, there are multiple opportunities for the project using the EHR-integrated Telepsychology/Psychiatry System, such as a growing wider technology acceptance and adoption at the local community levels, a growing demand for more personalized mental healthcare, and the need to deliver patient-centered care to patients at the comfort of their homes.
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The adoption and use of the EHR-integrated Telepsychology/Psychiatry System is beneficial to the DNP project as it significantly supports the design of mental healthcare services around the cultural preferences of the individual, as well as supports the delivery of patient- and case-centered mental healthcare services based on collected community and mental health data. It is also expected to reduce the costs of accessing and utilizing mental healthcare services as the costs related to transport will be eliminated. The technology is also beneficial in that it improves the availability of mental health services on demand, hence increasing accessibility to the target population. The technology will also increase the project’s regulatory compliance as it has to meet the existing laws and regulations.
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There are several barriers to the project associated with the chosen technology, such as the varied cultural views on mental health among ethnic and racial groups, including the view of mental health disorders as a curse and a shame due to limited knowledge (Misra et al., 2021). Some stakeholders, including minority racial groups and some providers, may also hold negative cultural views on the use of technology in mental health management, leading to increased resistance to the technologies chosen. Additionally, there are ethical and regulatory concerns with the use of the technology, as well as the initial costs of setting up technologies from the patient’s side, especially low economic groups. A much more concerning barrier is the cost of maintaining system operations and security, as well as ensuring user privacy while interacting with the system remotely.
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Overcoming the barriers will improve the efficiency of the project, including better adoption of the chosen technology. The solutions include conducting community outreach with a focus on educating the main stakeholders, including the local community, on mental health, addressing held beliefs on mental health, and educating them on the usefulness of EHR systems. The outreach efforts will also educate users on the use of EHRs and the safety and privacy afforded with the use of such systems, including integrated telepsychology systems. The project will also ensure strict adherence to ethics codes and set clear rules on the use of patient information in order to overcome the identified ethical barriers associated with the use of the chosen technology.
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To break the financial barriers, the project will seek to partner with available communication service providers to support access to communication and internet service and collectively bargain for fair prices for the technologies stakeholders will utilize. Additionally, the regulatory and legal barriers will be overcome by ensuring all aspects of the project, including the implementation and use of the chosen technologies, are within the regulatory and legal provisions, as well as tasking the IT department with system management.
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The notable access, utilization, and outcome disparities in mental health among racial and ethnic minorities are mostly due to the stigma surrounding mental health disorders. Such stigma reduces how such groups view and understand mental health disorders, their health-seeking behaviors, and their use of mental health services. However, mental health stigma can be addressed through increased mental health awareness. The use of EHRs-integrated telepsychology services as an education tool can improve understanding of mental health issues among ethnic and racial minority groups and reduce mental health stigma, leading to better care access and utilization among racial and ethnic minorities.
Cook, B. L., Hou, S. S. Y., Lee-Tauler, S. Y., Progovac, A. M., Samson, F., & Sanchez, M. J. (2018). A Review of Mental Health and Mental Health Care Disparities Research: 2011-2014. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/1077558718780592, 76(6), 683–710.
Eylem, O., Eylem, O., De Wit, L., Van Straten, A., Steubl, L., Melissourgaki, Z., Danlşman, G. T., De Vries, R., Kerkhof, A. J. F. M., Bhui, K., & Cuijpers, P. (2020). Stigma for common mental disorders in racial minorities and majorities a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1–20.
Hilty, D. M., Serhal, E., & Crawford, A. (2023). A Telehealth and Telepsychiatry Economic Cost Analysis Framework: Scoping Review. In Telemedicine journal and e-health: the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association (Vol. 29, Issue 1).
Martin, J. N., Millán, F., & Campbell, L. F. (2020). Telepsychology practice: Primer and first steps. Practice Innovations, 5(2), 114–127.
Misra, S., Jackson, V. W., Chong, J., Choe, K., Tay, C., Wong, J., & Yang, L. H. (2021). Systematic Review of Cultural Aspects of Stigma and Mental Illness among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in the United States: Implications for Interventions. American Journal of Community Psychology, 68(3–4), 486–512.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This 10 not more than 16-slide PowerPoint with VoiceOver recording will display the integration of your DNP scholarly project and technology/informatics, including:
-An introduction to your DNP scholarly project
-Definition of your stakeholders
Integrating Technology and Informatics in My DNP Scholarly Project – Impact, Stakeholders, and Challenges
-The benefits of your chosen technology
-A SWOT diagram outlining the internal and external forces that could affect your project
-What benefits or barriers (including cultural, ethical, financial, regulatory, and legal) might occur as a result of your chosen technology?
-What can/will you do to overcome these barriers?