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Integrating DNA Test Results into Research Practices- A Reflective Approach

Integrating DNA Test Results into Research Practices- A Reflective Approach

Types of DNA

Genetic genealogy revolves around four types of DNA: autosomal DNA, X-chromosome DNA, Y-chromosome DNA, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In the nucleus, DNA is packed in 23 pairs of chromosomes. Autosomal DNA comprises the first 22 pairs of chromosomes (Family Tree DNA, 2015). A person inherits an autosomal chromosome pair from their parents, one from the mother and the other from the father. Before each chromosome is passed down, it first undergoes a process of recombination.

The 23rd pair comprises the sex chromosomes, which determine a person’s sex. Females have an XX pair, and males have an XY pair. Like autosomal DNA, females inherit one of the X chromosomes from their mother and the other one from their father. Nonetheless, Y DNA is paternally inherited from father to son. The single copy does not undergo recombination, making it almost identical for many generations. Lastly, mtDNA is maternally inherited from mother to child. Also, it is passed down with minimal mutations (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2016).

The Test-taker

To learn about my family’s deep ancestry and maternal lineage, I would like to administer an mtDNA test to my great-grandmother. As discussed earlier, mtDNA is passed down maternally from mother to child. Additionally, the fact that it is inherited with minimal mutations makes it a helpful tool for learning about one’s deep ancestry. Therefore, with this test, I look forward to finding out which haplogroup my great-grandmother belongs to, which might help connect me to relatives I never knew I had.


DNA testing continues to be an essential tool in genetic genealogy. Tests on the four levels of DNA (autosomal, X chromosome, Y chromosome, and mtDNA) enable the recreation of our ancestors’ genome (Ancestry, 2016). This, in turn, provides information that helps in the reconstruction of family trees. Thus, genetic genealogy can be used to answer questions about a family’s deep ancestry, ancient migration, and bio-geographical ancestry.


Ancestry. (2016). The Power of Autosomal DNA [Video]. Retrieved 18 November 2021, from

Family Tree DNA. (2015). Introduction to Family Finder (Autosomal DNA) at Family Tree DNA [Video]. Retrieved 18 November 2021, from

Genetic Science Learning Center. (2016). Introduction to Molecular Genealogy [Video]. Retrieved 18 November 2021, from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Now that you have learned about each of the four types of DNA take a moment to reflect on how you plan to use DNA kit test results in your research.

Proceed to the discussion area and engage in the following questions. Read the accompanying rubric for best grading results and to shape the discussion. Post at least one original comment and two thoughtful responses to classmates for each question. This discussion will open on the first Monday, closing when the module does. Posting your original comments no later than Thursday night gives your classmates time to respond and maximizes your possible points.

Integrating DNA Test Results into Research Practices- A Reflective Approach

Integrating DNA Test Results into Research Practices- A Reflective Approach

Who is the one person in your family that you would like to test the most, and why? What genealogical questions are they likely to assist with?

What surprising DNA result have you received? Why was it surprising?

You are encouraged to practice using the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition; 2010) of formatting, and Evidence Explained (3rd edition; 2015) citations within your submission. However, you will not be graded on your ability to use these formatting methods.

Evaluation Criteria

Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your responses to other posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Initial Discussion Post

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper style formatting. You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly.

Responses to Other Posts

See the Course Calendar for due dates for posts and responses.