Information Gathering Techniques
- Interviewing users and stakeholders
Interviews can be classified into structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. One of the advantages of using interviews to gather information includes the interviewer’s ability to assess the interviewee’s non-verbal behaviour. During an interview, such as when using structured interviews, data collected from the interviewees is presented in an organized manner. On the other hand, semi-structured and unstructured interviews provide an interviewer with the flexibility to obtain additional information from the interviewees. When conducting an interview, some of the best practices to apply during the process include being an active listener, using open-ended questions, and not deviating from the topic of the interview. Additionally, not asking leading questions and ensuring that the interviewer’s nonverbal behavior does not bias the responses of the interviewee are also some of the best practices that can be applied during interviews (Jennings, 2005).
- Distributing and collecting questionnaires
Questionnaires provide various advantages during the information-gathering process. Some of the reasons for using questionnaires include being inexpensive to distribute and collect and being standardized for the different respondents. One of the ways through which questionnaires can be distributed to respondents includes through the Internet. This reduces the cost of physically sending and collecting the questionnaires from the respondents. Another reason for using questionnaires is that they can be used to reach respondents that are located in different physical locations. An example of one of the best practices to implement when distributing and collecting questionnaires is the use of online questionnaires rather than hard-copy questionnaires (Jones, Murphy, Edwards, & James, 2008).
- Observing and documenting business procedures
The observation and documentation of the business procedures allow different aspects of the business procedures to be observed. Examples of these aspects include the duration taken to perform the business procedures as well as the non-verbal behavior of the individuals performing the procedures (Kawulich, 2005). The process of observing and documenting the business procedures also removes the bias that might occur when another individual provides the required information. A best practice to note when observing and documenting the business procedures is to avoid intimidating the involved individuals, which might prevent them from performing the procedures in a normal manner.
- Collecting active user comments and suggestions
The collection of active user comments and suggestions allows the company to receive feedback from the users on various business practices. This includes the different areas where the business practices can be improved as well as the additional procedures that can be implemented in the company. This allows the company to improve its business procedures. Ensuring anonymity of the feedback from the users can allow the users to provide accurate comments and suggestions. Additionally, ensuring the presence of dedicated customer service support can be essential in obtaining quality user suggestions.
- Researching vendor solutions
The process of researching vendor solutions allows the company to identify the potential vendors that can provide services and products that are appropriate for the company. Apart from the identification of the vendors with the best services and products for the company, the company can also compare the quality of the products and services from the different vendors. The process of researching vendor solutions also allows the company to identify the reviews of the services and products offered by the vendors. One of the best practices to observe when researching vendor solutions includes defining the various requirements of the company from the vendors and defining the criteria to analyze the vendors.
Jennings, G. R. (2005). Interviewing: a focus on qualitative techniques. Tourism research methods: integrating theory with practice, 99-117.
Jones, S., Murphy, F., Edwards, M., & James, J. (2008). Doing things differently: advantages and disadvantages of web questionnaires. Nurse researcher, 15(4).
Kawulich, B. B. (2005). Participant Observation as a Data Collection Method.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Information Gathering Techniques
Create a report for your Manager on Information-Gathering Techniques.
Information Gathering Techniques
Gathering information for a new system is important and sets the tone of the development cycle. If not done thoroughly, the project could be a failure before it begins.
You are the Project Manager of XYZ Enterprises. Your manager gives you the task of researching the different techniques used to gather information as the company is going to replace their Case Management System. He would like a report of all the different type of information gathering listed below. For each technique, give reasons to use it and the best ways to accomplish using each information-gathering method.
- Interviewing users and stakeholders.
- Distributing and collecting questionnaires.
- Observing and documenting business procedures.
- Collecting active user comments and suggestions.
- Researching vendor solutions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Research the techniques used to collect and gather information for the design of a new system.
Week 2 Assignment 1 is due this week it is worth 100 points or 10% of your overall grade in the class. SO READ THIS TO GET A PERFECT GRADE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT.
The grading criteria are as follows as per the rubric.
- I do not want to read your paper multiple times to pull out the gradable material. I also do not have page amounts. Answer each of the different information gathering techniques fully. If it is not fully answered I will deduct.
- Just make the HEADERS of the paper sections numbered 1-5 and answer each question in order. Make a reference section at the end in the proper format for the minimum 3 references.
1. Researched: Gave reasons for use and best practices using: Interviewing users and Stakeholders (17 Points)2. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using distribution and collecting questionnaires. (17 Points)3. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using observing and documenting business procedures. (17 Points)4. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using collecting active user comments and suggestions. (17 Points)5. Researched: Give reasons for use and best practices using researching vendor solutions. (17 Points)6. Use at least 3 Quality Resources. (5 Points)7. Clarity and writing mechanics. (10 Points)