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Influence and Persuasion-Coca-Colas Taste the Feeling Advertisement Analysis

Influence and Persuasion-Coca-Colas Taste the Feeling Advertisement Analysis

Coca-Cola’s ‘Taste the Feeling’ advertisement was the most powerful advertisement. Consumers were enchanted by the colorful, eye-catching ad and the movie in it. Happiness was displayed in the strategy through various episodes in the short ‘movie’ advertisement. All these reflect the cognitive and emotional connection to the ad. Perloff (2017) argues that mere exposure shows more importance on the form than the ad’s content. One way is through cognitive, which means that messages are easier to encode and process the moment they have been seen or heard before (Perloff, 2017). One can learn that the company targets young people. Also, male and female millennials are well represented in various races, including Blacks, Whites, and Asians.

One can also encode that the ad takes the customer on a virtual journey of friendship and love. For instance, in the first scene of the ad, a girl is shown skiing and having fun, followed by a group of friends laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Essentially, the ad purposed to affect customers’ feelings in a nostalgic, loving, and fun way. This shows the emotional connection of the ad to the customers.

My involvement with the ad is mostly informed by emotive language. Gogoi (2020) attests that if an ad language can touch the customers’ emotions and feelings, the ad’s success can be asserted. With the love scene in the library and friends laughing and enjoying themselves, all I can think about is happy moments of laughter and joy with loved ones, meaning that emotive language is the most salient in this ad.

In conclusion, ‘Taste the Feeling’ was strategic by targeting the young generation by playing their tune. Persuasion ethics calls for consideration, as humans would like to be treated with respect (Perloff, 2017). Thus, any communication that treats people as an end instead of a means is valuable to people. Besides, people are practical; they want to achieve goals, whether spiritual, emotional, social, or financial. In this case, this ad helps people achieve social and emotional goals. Throughout the ad, all that is seen is fun, love, friendship, good music, and enjoyment. People love such feelings and associate them with what brings them.


Gogoi, M. (2020). The language of advertisement: A study from a linguistic perspective. Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, 12(10), 751-761.

Perloff, R.M. (2017). The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the 21st Century, Sixth Edition. New York: Routledge.


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Discussion: Framing and Language Elements
“It’s not what you said; it’s how you said it.” Have you ever used those words? What do they bring to mind? It could be a tone of voice that is sarcastic and causes you to think the speaker is not sincere, which may make you feel upset.

Influence and Persuasion-Coca-Colas Taste the Feeling Advertisement Analysis

Influence and Persuasion-Coca-Colas Taste the Feeling Advertisement Analysis

Experts who study persuasion know that those kinds of assessments also affect how we pay attention to the messages in our social worlds. Words do matter, as does how they are spoken and the overarching way they are presented or framed. Many elements have a role in how you decide the persuasive power of information. Those elements influence the cognitive and emotional connections you make that impact how persuaded you are or how persuasive you can be.

For this Discussion, you will again examine the components of product advertising and marketing by choosing a G- or PG-rated commercial, video advertisement, or infomercial that you view on television or the Internet. You will analyze your commercial/ad/infomercial for elements that impact your cognitive and emotional connection to it.

To prepare:

Review the Week 4 Learning Resources, paying particular attention in Chapter 11 to the information from the section on Framing (read to the end of the Chapter).
Select your focus: commercial, ad, or infomercial. Note the URL, if available.
View the commercial/ad/infomercial as many times as needed to sufficiently analyze your cognitive and emotional involvement with it.
Consider how the framing of the commercial/ad/infomercial informs your emotional/cognitive involvement with the material.
Think about the elements of language used in your ad such as speed, power, and intensity. Which element stood out for you and why?
Evaluate the commercial/ad/ infomercial according to the principles and practices of advertising ethics.
By Day 3
Post responses to the following:

Describe the commercial/ad/infomercial. Provide a link, if available.
Summarize your analysis of your cognitive and emotional connection to the commercial/ad/infomercial. In your summary, be sure to explain how the framing and elements of language informed your involvement, including which language element was most salient for you and why.
Explain your conclusions about the ethics of the strategies used in the commercial/ad/infomercial.
Note: Be sure to support the responses within your initial Discussion post (and in your colleague reply) with information obtained from the assigned Learning Resources, including in-text citations and a reference list for sources used. For information regarding how your Discussion will be evaluated, please review the Rubric, located in the Course Information area of the course