Improving Personal Mastery
Meeting Senge’s Criteria of Personal Mastery
According to Senge (2006), personal mastery includes deepening and clarifying personal vision, continually objectively seeing reality, developing patience, and focusing personal energies. People can develop their personal mastery by taking various measures. For instance, I am currently taking meditation sessions to understand myself and my purpose better, thus enabling me to clarify my personal vision and view reality objectively. I am also using the meditation sessions to realize my personal energies and how to use them to achieve my vision. Meditation has also been effective in helping me develop patience and consider life a learning process, thus deepening my personal vision.
Reaching a Higher Level of Personal Mastery
According to Fateh et al. (2021), personal mastery focuses on self-improvement and task mastery. Therefore, personal mastery can be improved by focusing on activities that increase the mastery of specific tasks. One thing I could add to reach a higher level of personal mastery is completing challenging tasks that push me to realize more potential. Challenging tasks can help me identify strengths I did not know I had, thus enabling me to clarify and deepen my personal vision. Challenging tasks also create the opportunity to make mistakes, leading to the development of patience.
Barriers to Achieving the Highest Level of Personal Mastery
Procrastination is the main thing that gets in my way of achieving the highest level of personal mastery. According to Devi & Dhull (2017), procrastination includes decisional and behavioural procrastination. Decisional procrastination arises when someone puts off making a decision when dealing with a choice or conflict. On the other hand, behavioural procrastination arises when someone avoids an action and shifts blame. Consequently, decisional procrastination slows my progress toward achieving the highest personal mastery. For instance, I often put off making decisions to complete a challenging task and focus on other simpler tasks. Procrastination has hindered my progress in discovering and deepening my personal vision because I am hesitant to embark on difficult tasks that can help me fulfil my potential and identify capabilities that I have yet to recognize.
Devi, R., & Dhull, P. (2017). Procrastination: A Behavior Need To Be Changed To Get Success. International Education & Research Journal [IERJ], 3(5).
Fateh, A., Mustamil, N., & Shahzad, F. (2021). Role of authentic leadership and personal mastery in predicting employee creative behaviour: A self-determination perspective. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 15(1).
Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Doubleday.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Improving Personal Mastery
Think about what is important to you in your career. What are you doing that meets Senge’s criteria of personal mastery? Discuss at least one thing you could add or do more of to reach a higher level of personal mastery. What gets in your way of achieving the highest level of personal mastery?