Improving Crime Strategy – Addressing Data Accuracy and Utilizing GIS Analysis
There are two major sources of measurement error expected during data compilation. The first source is inaccurate sampling. This may occur when data for a particular time is used to predict trends for a whole quarter or even a year (Monuteaux, 2015). I will avoid this by manually adding the data for each month. Second error maybe in a case where data used incorporates all arrests, including that for other crimes. I will avoid this by being keen on the reason for arrest for each casualty.
Use of GIS
Geographic information system will help me in criminal mapping. In this, I will be able to identify important information on trends and patterns in which drug trafficking occur (Bennett, 2015). These include the age group and gender that mostly take part in this criminal act, as well as the hotspots in the city where this activity is rampant.
Bennett, L., & Layard, A. (2015). Legal geography: becoming spatial detectives. Geography compass, 9(7), 406-422.
Monuteaux, M. C., Lee, L. K., Hemenway, D., Mannix, R., & Fleegler, E. W. (2015). Firearm ownership and violent crime in the US: an ecologic study. American journal of preventive medicine, 49(2), 207-214.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Improving Crime Strategy
“Crime Strategy Meetings” Please respond to the following:
Imagine that you are the chief of a major metropolitan police department. You are preparing for a major crime strategy meeting. The focus of this meeting is on current trends related to tactical intervention of street-level drug arrests. You will also provide data related to annual and quarterly street-level drug arrests. Identify at least two (2) possible measurement errors when compiling data related to this issue and propose how you would address these measurement errors in the meeting. Support your response.
Imagine that your city’s police chief asked you to chair a committee on the reduction of crime. In your first meeting, discuss how you would utilize geographic information system analysis as it relates to illustrating criminal activity in your city.
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References/sources: 1