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Implicit Association Test – Reviewing Overall Findings

Implicit Association Test – Reviewing Overall Findings

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) taken is the race IAT. The race IAT gives insight into intrinsic racial bias among individuals. It interrogates individuals’ perceptions of race by attempting to couple a race with a good or bad attribute. The test was simplistic as it did not require much technicality other than the learner’s response. The result was not as per my expectations. They challenged my normative belief on how I perceive other races. For instance, they proved my bias towards some races as I found it easier to associate negative concepts with one race over the other. However, I remain skeptical about the grade I received from the test. I believe the environment of the test and possible human errors may have influenced my scores. As Carpenter et al. (2022) note, inter-tester variability in IAT scores exists and could not be an actual presentation of their normative beliefs on the topic under scrutiny. This may have been the case when I was performing the test. I incorrectly keyed in the wrong response on multiple occasions.

The video is centered on maternal healthcare and details the racism that is apparent in the country. The biggest takeaway in the case is that systemic racism and discrimination against blacks remain prominent in the US. The healthcare system is disproportionately affected. In this population, caregivers maintain discriminatory behaviors against Blacks. Blacks receiving care within care organizations in the country are ignored, mistreated, and sometimes dismissed because of their background, compromising their health. These sentiments have been echoed by diverse scholars. Banaji et al. (2021) note that Blacks, especially Black women, are often discriminated against at the point of care. This has resulted in significant deterioration in their health and contributed to the disparities reported within the community.


Banaji, M. R., Fiske, S. T., & Massey, D. S. (2021). Systemic racism: Individuals and interactions, institutions and Society. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1).

Carpenter, T. P., Goedderz, A., & Lai, C. K. (2022). Individual differences in implicit bias can be measured reliably by administering the same Implicit Association Test multiple times. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(9), 1363–1378.


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Follow the link below, if this does not work, copy and paste this link into your search engine

Click on take a test go to the bottom and click on “I wish to proceed”. Choose whatever test you would like to take (blue boxes on the left). Complete 1 test. When you are done, LOOK at the “overall findings” and take note.

Implicit Association Test - Reviewing Overall Findings

Implicit Association Test – Reviewing Overall Findings

Watch this video: A Broken Healthcare System; Racism and Maternal Health

Quiz: Write me a paragraph on: What quiz you chose and how you feel about your results (you do not need to share exactly what you got for results unless you want to). When you saw the overall results for the one you chose, how did that make you feel? By seeing your personal results, does this make you look at yourself differently?

Video: Write me a paragraph on: What was your biggest takeaway from the video & What kind of health disparities have you seen in your workplace, to a loved one, or to you?