Implementing The Triple Bottom Line
“Tropical Treats is a small candy, cookies, and more company that vouches to provide affordable, healthy, and tasty treats to snack-loving families nationwide. Our products are well researched to represent the inspired islands to the best of our abilities.”
Tropical Treats’ mission is to use healthy, environmentally friendly, affordable components to benefit the company and our stakeholders, especially consumers and the environment. Normally, snacks like candies or cookies are considered unhealthy for human health. Also, producing them always brings huge waste to the environment. Acknowledging those problems, we decided to go with the kind of snacks suitable for all ages and able to improve consumers’ health. We plan to partner with an organic food distributor to supply us with healthy and organic elements at affordable prices. Tropical Treats and the distributor can benefit from each other since, besides the monetary value, our partner will also have the opportunity to impact the Community positively and gain a good reputation. In addition, on our website and social media accounts, we will run a monthly campaign and create content to inform people about healthy eating or how to improve their health with diets and exercises.
We will keep raising awareness about human health in every activity, including hiring, training employees, running marketing campaigns, producing snacks, and communicating with consumers. For customers, we show our care for them by selling snacks that are good for their health and informing them of useful information, for example, how to make a healthy meal. We will ensure employees have all essential rights and benefits and work in a safe and inclusive working environment. As mentioned above, our suppliers will be able to gain reputational benefits since they contribute to making a better life for consumers. Our business will also help the Community gradually pay more attention to their health and eating habits. Instead of enjoying tasty snacks that contain too much sugar or are unhealthy, they can now enjoy tasty snacks and improve their health simultaneously.
We aim to reduce, especially during our packaging process, by not using plastic containers at all, informing all expiration instructions clearly, and unconcluded a slogan in the packaging: “Reduce food waste, help our planet!”. We will educate consumers about food waste in not only our marketing campaign but also our product packages. Our campaign will include several campaigns where consumers can contribute to improving the environment by receiving gifts from us. Our campaign topics include recycling, planting trees, and saving food, while the gifts can be discounts, gift cards, or free boxes of our snacks.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Week 6 discussion
Before writing this week’s discussion posting, review this MindTools article, The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider ImpactLinks to an external site. , for more details on the triple bottom line.
Implementing The Triple Bottom Line
The concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone involved with the company, whether directly or indirectly. It also includes the planet on which we all live. This approach views shareholders as very important stakeholders. This approach also recognizes the need for companies to consider other important stakeholders, including employees, customers, vendors, and the larger Community.
For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:
Start with a brief overview of your business: company name and what you are selling (a maximum of 3 sentences).
· How would you implement your chosen company’s triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept?
· Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion:
· Profit: When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits are more than just a benefit for shareholders. Profits will help empower and sustain the Community as a whole. Provide specific examples of strategies to keep the company profitable.
· People: Describe your commitment to each of the following categories (type your answer under each category)
· Customers. Employees.
· one way to care for employees is to provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, and health care.
· Community.
· Suppliers (as applicable)
· Planet: Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment, considering all aspects of your operations. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.