Implementing Regulatory Board Consent Article Analysis
The main issues that the article addresses
One of the main issues addressed in the article is the issue of consensual secondary research. This issue revolves around the use of biospecimens and data that has remained after being collected for other purposes to make important medical and scientific advances without the consent of the human sources from whom the data or specimen was collected (Lynch et al., 2019). The second issue is the extent to which autonomy should be allowed in research. The article argues that some people believe that autonomy interests should prevail above values, implying that sources should control their specimens and data even if the specimens and data are not identifiable and even if there are no privacy or physical risks.
The Common Rule
Lynch et al. (2019) argue that the common rule states that researchers can use data leftover and biospecimens that had been collected for other purposes to make important medical and scientific advances, and the law has provided a number of mechanisms to facilitate such secondary research without permission from human sources that provided the data or specimen.
How this issue is related to information systems and digital privacy
According to Yao-Huai (2020), privacy is the main issue associated with using information systems and storing data electronically. The issue of using a person’s data without consent is related to information systems by drawing a connection between data collection using information systems and how the data is used. In most instances, data collected through information systems could be used without the owner’s consent. Data owners lack control of the data they provide and are not informed when the data is used. The issue is also related to digital privacy because it exposes the different privacy issues associated with having no control over data. For instance, researchers may require data from an information system and gain access without the owner’s knowledge.
Lynch, H. F., Wolf, L. E., & Barnes, M. (2019). Implementing regulatory broad consent under the revised common rule: Clarifying key points and the need for evidence. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47(2), 213-231.
Yao-Huai, L. (2020). Privacy and data privacy issues in contemporary China. The Ethics of Information Technologies, 189-197.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Implementing Regulatory Board Consent Article Analysis
The article on IRB this week discusses broad consent under the revised Common Rule. When you are doing any sort of research you are going to need to have your research plan approved by the University’s institutional review board or IRB. If you have never heard of this term before, please take a look online and find a brief summary of what it is about before you read the article.
Please answer the following questions in your main post:
What are the main issues that the article addresses?
What is the Common Rule?
How is this issue related to information systems and digital privacy?