Implementing a Secure Software Design
The current business environment is increasingly competitive, with many innovations being implemented. Therefore, the best way for organizations to stay ambitious and competitive is by adopting agile methodologies in their network. Agile software development develops high-quality software solutions, web applications, websites, and mobile applications (Moyón et al., 2020, p. 413). This method often focuses on realizing self-organizing, cross-functional teams and the organization’s customers (Moyón et al., 2020, p. 414). The primary focus of agile software development is on the continuous provision of software delivery and enabling requirement transitions all through to the late development stages. Some of the benefits that are brought about as a result of deploying agile methodologies include faster development, reduced levels of risks, high-quality products, and increased project control. This paper discusses the steps that can be followed in implementing a secure design. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Reach out to us. We endeavor to assist you the best way possible.
A secure design can be implemented by first adding security acceptance to the criteria adopted concerning user stories. In this regard, organizations should ensure that they capture unique security criteria not met by cross-functional requirements contained in user stories, together with the validation of the QA process. This would entail putting programmers in charge of security scans and fixes. This has been identified as one of the greatest ways of helping to push security into earlier phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC), where all security issues arising can be dealt with accordingly (Moyón et al., 2020, p. 416). The other way to build a secure design is by requesting organizational stakeholders to conduct different security tests during product reviews. During the process of conducting product demonstrations, stakeholders would have the unique opportunity to test the software and identify any vulnerabilities that may have been hidden during the software development process (Moyón et al., 2020, p. 418). At this phase, the stakeholders can try out the activities of intruders on the system and see how it responds, after which proper measures can be taken to resolve them.
Developing a proper code convention for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWSAP) Proactive controls is another way to implement a secure design. Organizations should devise a plan to proactively address general vulnerabilities since attackers are often set to attack a system after scanning and identifying its vulnerabilities (Schoenfield, 2015, p. 77). The organization should adhere to properly outlined mitigations to reduce the probability of unpredictability and unforeseen bugs during the implementation process. The controls outlined under the OWASP are essential because they focus on securing applications to be conceived, acquired, developed, operated, and maintained trustworthy.
The other measures of securing the design are through the use of agile retrospectives together with the integration of Continuous Integration Security Practices. Agile retrospectives are significant because they aid in the continuous improvement of the system (Schoenfield, 2015, p. 78). This is because retrospective serves to uncover recurring security problems and their causes for easier resolution in the future when similar problems are experienced. Lastly, agile organizations can foster their security design by utilizing security application tools available in the market (Schoenfield, 2015, p. 79). Some modern security solutions, such as static code analysis, are essential aspects that can be integrated into the current development tools for enhanced security of the software design.
The user stories need to be changed occasionally to better adapt to the current requirements. The transitions in the security industry have permitted the adoption of these measures to increase the security of the software design. The security team within the organization would be entitled to ensure that the changes are effectively implemented. Whenever new processes are introduced into the system, the security team would come in handy to adjust the operations on the network. The best way to do this is for organizations to practice security as a regular habit by making it part of the agile culture.
Moyón, F., Almeida, P., Riofrío, D., Mendez, D., & Kalinowski, M. (2020, August). Security compliance in agile software development: a systematic mapping study. In 2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 413-420). IEEE.
Schoenfield, B. S. (2015). Securing systems: Applied security architecture and threat models. CRC Press.
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In today’s fast-paced, often “agile” software development, how can a secure design be implemented?
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Implementing a Secure Software Design
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