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Impact of Climate Change on Human Health – A Case Study of Biological Effects in the Last 5 Years

Impact of Climate Change on Human Health – A Case Study of Biological Effects in the Last 5 Years

According to a news article by ALJAZEERA, while Africa has had very little contribution to the emission of greenhouse gases, the effects of climate change have heavily affected the continent (Jernberg & Karstad, 2023). The article explores the Horn of Africa, specifically three countries including Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia. This region is characterized by diverse populations made up of cultural, ethnic, and linguistic groups, with Kenya having a population of approximately fifty-five million people. Ethiopia is the most populated of the region, with about one hundred and twenty people, and Somalia has a populace of about seventeen million.

Between the years 2020 and 2023, this region experienced five failed rainfall seasons, which resulted in the region undergoing the most drought period they have experienced in over fifty years (Jernberg & Karstad, 2023). The lack of rain meant that no food could grow both for humans and animals to consume. In addition, water basins started to get depleted meaning that shortage of water also became a problem. Moreover, the article also highlights the massive number of children, specifically seven million, who, as a result of this drought, had experienced starvation and needed immediate nutrition aid. The biological impact of this is that starvation is one; the body does not receive the nutrients required to function properly, and the longer it happens, the more damaged one’s well-being becomes. Starvation leads to stunted growth and also deteriorates the immune system, leaving one susceptible to illnesses and infection (Morales et al., 2023). Further, malnourishment affects the brain development of a child which could mean learning challenges in the future.

Nevertheless, there is still hope for the region as the residents have taken measures to deal with this challenge of climate change. One, they have started planting alternative crops that are more drought-resistant and can survive the climate, for instance, green grains. Secondly, with the unpredictable weather patterns, regional weather centers in the area have started training journalists to read weather patterns so that they can inform the public about the patterns, who then can adapt their farming accordingly (Jernberg & Karstad, 2023). Lastly, the farmers have also taken up alternative farming techniques, for instance, irrigation methods to save water, natural pesticides, and composting methods.


Jernberg, O. L., & Karstad, I (2023). Adapting in the face of climate change in rural Kenya. ALAZEERA.

Morales, F., Montserrat-de la Paz, S., Leon, M. J., & Rivero-Pino, F. (2023). Effects of malnutrition on the immune system and infection and the role of nutritional strategies regarding improvements in children’s Health Status: A literature review. Nutrients, 16(1), 1.


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Professor Instructions:
Climate change is becoming an ever-growing threat to human health and biology. Research an incident from within the last 5 years where climate change has impacted a population of humans in a biological sense.

Impact of Climate Change on Human Health - A Case Study of Biological Effects in the Last 5 Years

Impact of Climate Change on Human Health – A Case Study of Biological Effects in the Last 5 Years

This can include changing patterns or incidences of disease, or a new disease spreading; impacts on health and nutrition due to drought; impacts on health and mortality due to extreme weather (hot or cold); etc. News articles are acceptable sources, as are scientific journals. In your response be sure to describe the population (where they live, who they are), the way the climate has changed around them, the biological impact of the climatic change, and if applicable, ways that that population is dealing with the new threat to human health and biology. Be sure to copy/paste the links to any sources you use in your response.