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Identifying Key Insights – Analyzing the Most Significant Sentence in Chapters 13 and 14 of Managing Human Resources

Identifying Key Insights – Analyzing the Most Significant Sentence in Chapters 13 and 14 of Managing Human Resources

The most significant sentence from Chapter 13 of “Employees’ Rights and Discipline” is, “It is increasingly common for employees to quit or resign from their jobs because the intolerable acts of their employers left them no choice” (Bohlander et al.,2017 p.455). This statement elaborates on the theme of workplace abuse resulting in employee turnover, signifying the significance of courtesy and ethical practice among employers to retain their employees and support organizational efficiency

Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process for selecting the sentence as the most significant involves several considerations. Firstly, the sentence is built around a common problem that has recently come to light within the modern world of businesses: employees quitting their jobs to escape intolerable employers. Research shows how perceived injustice, particularly perceived unjust treatment, can lead to higher employee turnover (Mengstie, 2020). This is in keeping with the proposition that organizational justice is one way of emphasizing fair treatment in the organization as an antecedent of employee attitude and behavior.

Secondly, the choice of the sentence illustrates the dynamic change in employee-employer relations and the consequences for efficiency. Studies show that if employees were discriminated against or received unfair treatment, they would have lesser job satisfaction, identify less with the organization, and have higher turnover intentions. Hence, selecting this sentence serves the purpose of provoking discussions on better working conditions for people in the organizations and ensuring that respect for the other person is observed. It also has organizational relevance as it presents the issues common in the workplace and complies with the previous findings and theories about organizational behavior and employment law. This triggers concern on the employer’s part concerning their role of ensuring ethical practice within the workplace and the realistic and practicable measures towards sustaining a healthy work culture. The question for continued dialogue that may arise from the present discussion is: How can organizations ensure that any matters concerning intolerable acts at the workplace are effectively managed to prevent employee turnover and maintain a positive organizational culture?


Bohlander, G., Morris, S. & Snell, S. (2017). Managing Human Resources. (18th ed). South-Western College Publishing. ISBN # 978-1337389624

Mengstie, M. M. (2020). Perceived organizational justice and turnover intention among hospital healthcare workers. BMC Psychology, 8(1).


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The book that needs to be referenced is “Bohlander, G., Morris, S. & Snell, S. (2017). Managing Human Resources. (18th ed). South-Western College
Publishing. ISBN # 978-1337389624”
The readings are chapters 13 and 14
Students will identify the most significant sentence in an assigned section of reading (anything from chapters 13 and 14 in Managing Human Resources.)and write a 200-500 word description in which they discuss their decision-making process for selecting the most important sentence in the Module chapter.

Identifying Key Insights - Analyzing the Most Significant Sentence in Chapters 13 and 14 of Managing Human Resources

Identifying Key Insights – Analyzing the Most Significant Sentence in Chapters 13 and 14 of Managing Human Resources

Ideas should be supported with academic research.
Each week the post should end with a question that continues the dialogue about the topic or idea.
Additionally, students are expected to respond to two other journal entries each week.