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Identifying Critical Infrastructure- Priorities Protection and Community Resilience.

Identifying Critical Infrastructure- Priorities Protection and Community Resilience.

Choose 1 sector and an asset within it, and describe their specific value to the community.

The energy sector infrastructure is the leading critical infrastructural sector in Texas. Texas’s energy sector is also the nation’s leading energy producer. Current statistics show that Texas produces 43% of the USA’s crude oil and 26% of the country’s natural gas production (Texas Government, 2019). The state produces 5.9 million barrels of crude oil annually, representing 31% of the country’s crude oil production capacity (Texas Government, 2019). The state contributes significantly to the national energy grid.

Exxon Mobil Corporation, also styled as ExxonMobil, is one of the crucial energy-producing companies in the state. The company that is headquartered in Irving, Texas, is one of the world’s leading companies in terms of revenue. Since 2000, the company has ranked favorably as one of the world’s most profitable companies.

Exxon Mobil and the energy sector at large contribute significantly to Texas’ job basket. Apart from the jobs, the sector provides to the local community, it also provides the state with enormous local energy needs. It is worth noting that Texas is the country’s leading energy consumer.

Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.

The failure to regulate price is one of the key failures of Texas’s energy sector. Texas’ energy autonomy allowed the state government to implement a free-market approach in pricing. This means that electricity is auctioned on wholesale terms, thereby leaving companies such as Exxon Mobil with little revenue. This practice has, unfortunately, led companies to compete on which company can provide the lowest prices.

Provide a preliminary assessment of the primary threats, vulnerabilities, and risks your highlighted sector and asset might be most exposed to

According to Koenig & Liedtke (2021), one of the top threats to Texas’s energy sector is low prices. Instead of competing based on supply and reliability, companies end up competing based on which can offer the lowest prices. Another challenge is the sector’s vulnerability to adverse weather conditions. More often than not, residents have to endure blackouts during cold weather and rainy days.


Koenig, D., & Liedtke, M. (2021, February 17). EXPLAINER: Why the power grid failed in Texas and beyond. AP NEWS.

Texas Government. (2019). Critical Infrastructure for Texas Growth. Prepared by: IHS Markit


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Consider the value of illustrations for understanding priorities, the reinforcement of critical infrastructure (CI), and critical infrastructure protection. This week, look around your own community and consider what CI sectors and assets are likely to be particularly vital to its functioning. For example, in Los Angeles, California, the Port of Los Angeles as an asset is considered crucial to the transportation sector, as it is used for commerce. For this discussion, complete the following:

Identifying Critical Infrastructure- Priorities Protection and Community Resilience.

Identifying Critical Infrastructure- Priorities Protection and Community Resilience.

Choose 1 sector and an asset within it, and describe their specific value to the community.
Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.
Provide a preliminary assessment of the primary threats, vulnerabilities, and risks your highlighted sector and asset might be most exposed to.

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