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Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl

Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl

Hygienik LLC.

Phone: (518) 785-5138

Email:[email protected]

Satia Toilet Bowl

New Bowl for Rural Sanitation

New York, June 21, 2021. Hygienik LLC hereby announces the new Satia toilet bowl, which has been formulated to improve rural sanitation. The Satia bowl is created using recycled plastic and fiber waste. The product’s objective is to ensure that residents in rural areas are able to maintain hygiene standards and ease access to sanitary facilities. The innovation results from a struggle among Hygienik’s employees to access clean washrooms in areas with water scarcity.

Hygienik LLC is an industry leader in matters related to sanitation. For a long time, it has catered to the high-end market successfully due to the premium quality of its products. However, it has now decided to venture into the lower-income markets to increase access to sanitation, which is a necessity (United Nations, 2018; UN Water, n.d). To maintain quality and ensure product affordability, Hygienik LLC collaborated with local recycling plants to create a new product. Thus, the company is able to cater to the new market and contribute to the conservation of the environment. The new product will be made available to the identified rural communities immediately using various avenues.

The Satia bowl is created from recycled material, specifically plastics and fiberglass. These materials ensure that they are durable and unbreakable. It is also lightweight and easy to clean with minimum amounts of water. The color scheme used to formulate the product allows users to reuse water for cleaning purposes. The main colors include blue, brown, and green. These have been chosen to ensure that discoloration does not occur or remains invisible. The product will retail for $10, which includes installation services. The initial sales will facilitate product awareness, collection of feedback, and subsequent improvement. Our clients are invited to take part in the product’s campaign.

Hygienik LLC is confident that the product will benefit the targeted market immensely. This is confidence emanates from the feedback that has been obtained from initial beneficiaries. In line with the company’s vision, the product will make sanitation more accessible for the community.

To take part in the ongoing campaign on the Satia toilet bowl, visit


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[email protected]


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Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl

Hygienik’s New Satia Bowl

Seitel, F. P. (2015). Public relations & promotional writing. Bridgepoint Education.
Review the section entitled “The Format of a News Release” in Chapter 6.3. Choose an existing product or a made-up product and write a one to two-page news release (not including title and reference pages) announcing the introduction of the new product using the provided format.