Human Resources Specialist
Traditionally, HR professionals have a strategic planning mandate for staffing, interviewing, and hiring staff to ensure a conducive and productive working atmosphere. While at it, they consult company top executives on decisions impacting all management levels. With technological advancement and the HR role becoming diversified, new functions incorporate end-to-end talent management duties for HR professionals.
Firstly, HR professionals have now become strategic partners toward attaining organization-wide goals. Previously, HR professionals’ functions were limited to the extent that they would help employees merely perform their roles (Lawler & Mohrman, 2003). However, the new role means that they must actively collaborate with other organizational management cadres to ensure success (Lawler & Mohrman, 2003). For instance, HR managers propose reward and recognition programs that will go a long way to motivate employees to attain the organization’s long-term goals. To that end, HR managers must understand other organizational segments, such as finance and business, and be accountable for overall cost reduction.
Moreover, HR professionals are becoming employee advocates based on their understanding and knowledge of people’s needs. Such advocacy includes recommendations for creating an effective working environment that will ensure employees attain maximum productivity, become happy, and contribute to organizational success (Rhoda, 2013). By setting goals, communicating them, and empowering employees, they will likely feel a sense of ownership of the company and support it to achieve its objectives. Another emerging strategy that supports employee success is the inclusion of gain-sharing and profit-sharing programs that help keep employees motivated (Thelen, 2020). As an employee advocate, the HR manager plays an integral role in advocating for employees’ rights.
In conclusion, transforming HR manager roles to include end-to-end talent management has introduced new HR functions. One of the new roles for HR managers resulting from this transformation is employee advocacy. Advocacy incorporates advising top-level executives on what employees need to be successful, such as a good working environment. Also, HR managers have become strategic organizational partners, advising executives on successful strategies to propel the organization toward success.
Lawler, E. E., & Mohrman, S. A. (2003). HR as a strategic partner: What does it take to make it happen?. Human Resource Planning, 26(3), 15-29.
Rhoda, C. B. (2013). EXPLORING the HR professionals’ employee advocate role in a developing country: The case of Malawi. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(12), 39.
Thelen, P. D. (2020). Internal communicators’ understanding of the definition a
We’ll write everything from scratch
and the importance of employee advocacy. Public Relations Review, 46(4), 101946.
Unit 8 DB: New HR CompetenciesUnit 8 DB: New HR Competencies
Describe at least two tasks/duties/responsibilities that should be included in a revised job description for an HR professional.

Human Resources Specialist
In response to your peers, discuss the critical need for education, training, etc., in the redesigned HR job descriptions reflecting leadership skills needed in today’s crisis environment.